The start of something new.

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He's tired.

Tired of everything.

The badmouthing, his facade, his own life.

What's the point of living if he can't cherish every single thing of it?

The only thing he wanted to do is to rest.

For good.

But he can't.

He sadly can't.


Because he promised his mother to live.

To live a good life.

But is his life good?

No, it's not.

Letting out a suffering sigh, Cale is laying on his bed just staring at the ceiling, contemplating his life so far.

Morning has broken, and the sun's light passes through his windows but he shows no sign of getting out of bed, Cale just wants to stay on his bed and do absolutely nothing but contemplate.

A moment later, a knock on the door was heard.

After a few seconds, the door opened and revealed a benign old man.

"Good Morning Young Master Cale, It is time for you to go to school."

Instead of getting a reply, Cale just ignored the old man and continued staring at the ceiling.
Seeing this, Ron (Cale's personal servant) made a benign yet vicious smile making Cale shiver at the sight of it.

"Young Master, you don't want to be late on your first day of school, do you now?"

Hearing the sinister voice of his old servant, Cale got goosebumps and decided to obey before Ron gets scarier, He clicked his tongue and reluctantly got out of bed to touch the cold hard floor.

Cale didn't care about school at all, to him it was just a place to go to, stay there for hours and go back home, even if he did his best, he has no one to present his efforts to.
The teen went to the bathroom and got ready quickly. He didn't care if his hair or uniform was unkempt, Cale went to get his bag and then stepped out of his room.

"Would you like to eat breakfast, Young Master Cale?."

"No need."

"Understood, I'll inform Hilsman to get the car ready for you."


Cale walked down the halls of his home but said home feels so empty and cold.
Clicking his tongue he sped up his walking pace and passed by some maids who were working.

The maids all gave the same look, fear, scorn lastly disappointment, and Cale is used to this.


Cale hates it.
He hates those looks but what can he do?
Everyone in his "home" considers him a trash. A disrespectful and rude Young Master, that was how they see him, they all avoided him. His family treats him as a stranger, they have a very awkward relationship, that's all.
His steps were stopped when his reddish-brown eyes accidentally caught the giant picture frame hanging on the hallway wall. A family picture. Everyone in his family has brown hair, even his stepmother and stepsiblings have similar hair. It was only him with fiery red hair, showing the contrast that he was different from the rest.

He truly looks like an outsider.
An anomaly amongst the brunette family.

'If I ran away from home I bet no one will notice. Hell! No one will care...'
'Heh, I bet the servants will be so happy when I'm gone.'

Cale stopped his negative thoughts when he arrived at the front gate of his home

Continuing his steps while also trying his best not to care about his thoughts, in front of him was a man and a limousine waiting for him, he went inside without saying a word.
Hilsman, his personal driver, then proceeded to drive to school


Like the previous years of his old school, the stares of everyone there disgusted him. Cale came late after the opening ceremony was over. He did it on purpose. Well, after all, no one would question the behavior of a trash.

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