Chapter 4

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Sophie walked down the stairs of Havenfield to find a very big group.

"What happend?" Sophie said, noticing that her friends, Grady, Edaline, Elwin, Alden, Mr Forkle, Tiergan, and all the councillors were looking somehow nervous and confused and disturbed at the same time.

"Who's gonna be the one to tell her?" Marella asked. 

"Tell me what? Seriously, whats going on?" Sophie asked, imagining all the scary possibilities. She looked at Keefe, who looked even more confused than the rest of them.

"Well, Lord Cassius was taken last night by the Neverseen." Forkle said

"W-what? Why? Are you okay?" She said looking at Keefe

"I honestly don't know how to feel." He said

"How do you know it was the Neverseen? Maybe he just wanted like a getaway vacation or something" Sophie said, even though she knew the answer to her question.

"Cassius's room was wrecked and all his statues were destroyed. There was also an eye sign in the rubble." Mr. Forkle answered.

"I-what do we do?"

"Thats why we're here. To seek advice from the moonlark." Councilor Emery said, probably speaking for the whole Council, even though some of them looked pretty annoyed, like they had been outvoted. Sophie looked at Oralie, who looked like she was trying not to cry-or maybe scream- it was hard to tell.

"Why me?" Sophie asked, since the Council had not really been in favor of Sophie for a little while, from giving her an ability restrictor to banishing her.

"We would be wise to use a different point of view. We realize that we have been focusing on the wrong things." Councillor Emery said, looking at Mr. Forkle, probably referring to the point in time where the Council was targeting the Black Swan.

"Well.." Sophie said, running through the different things they could do, "I think that we need to find him. Its not that I care about him," She said, stealing a quick glance at Keefe who looked a bit surprised "But the Neverseen must have taken him for a reason. We need to find him so they can't exploit that reason."

"Well said, Miss Foster. I think I might know where to start, if I may." Forkle said, glancing over the room. Everyone nodded. "Lets search Candleshade. We might find some type of clue to where he is."

"That...might actually be a good plan." Sophie said, and eventually they came to the consensus that Sophie, Keefe, Dex, Biana, and Tam would search Candleshade and Fitz, Linh, Wylie, Marella, and Maruca would search The Shores of Solace. Then the two groups would report to Wylie, and Wylie would report to the Council and the Black Swan.

"When can we start?" Surprisingly, Keefe said.

"I would suggest now, so we give the Neverseen the least amount of time to remove any trace or clues." Tiergan said

"Lets go" Sophie said, determination filling her voice. She was going to figure this out. She had too. For the world. For herself. For Keefe.

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