Side Story 1~ OKAY I PULL UP

Start from the beginning

'Suddenly'... I could probably count on both hands how many times in my entire life I've been good with words.

"Katelyn, don't be like that!" KC scolded. She met eyes with me. "I feel warm and stuff too since I was also there! Your guys' first kiss!!"

"You've always been really supportive, Kawaii~chan!" Maybe even more so than anyone too supportive a thing?

"You two didn't get to see their very beginning, though," Zane said. "Even back then, Gene was so devoted to her that he threw me into a locker for having an incriminating picture. Although, the past three years are the ones that matter more."

I grimaced. He said it in a joking way, but I can't help but feel bad...

"Nowadays, it's hard not to look at Gene as a role model...not that I'd say he's a better man than me!" Travis remarked.

My man is of course flawless, but how can Travis say that after what Zane said?!

"I remember when Aaron was the sole competition for 'best man'," Zane said. "Those kind of comparisons make you seem a bit fragile, if you ask me. Like Laurance, for example."

Katelyn rested her head on Travis's shoulder. "He's not wrong."

"Aw, c'mon, babe! You know I don't actually compare myself to anyone. The diss at Laurance was very unnecessary, by the way."

He is a bit fragile, isn't— I mean, huh!? I should probably look for my good friend! After excusing myself from the group, I made my way to the bar where Garroth, Laurance, and Lucas were. This next sequence definitely isn't going to be annoying with two L names involved!

I took a seat next to Lucas, who was sitting to the right of Laurance. "Met with Laurance and Garroth, huh?"

The three men turned their heads to me, with Lucas narrowing his eyes. "We've all met before."

"...If it didn't happen in a chapter or I didn't summarize it happening in the past, it never happened."

"Y/n, you really concern me, y'know. I hope Gene and all your friends on your street keep a close eye on you."

I grinned. "Don't worry about me, Lucas! So, what are you three up to?"

"Moping about being single," Garroth replied.

"Garroth!" Laurance scorned. "We're having a great time, Y/n. The music's been great! Did you and Gene choose all the songs or...?"

"We chose most of the songs, but our DJ added a few songs herself." I glanced at the stage where the one, the only, the most beautiful and talented Masami Iwasawa would be performing. We booked her for later in the evening where things would be more lively after everyone ate and drank~ "We have a live performance, too, so look forward to it!"

"It helps being married to a record label exec, huh? That sounds really cool!" Laurance exclaimed.

"Is the live performance Masami Iwasawa?" Lucas asked. "Is she single? Looking for anyone?"

"I'm saying this because I don't want to see you embarrass yourself," I began. "She is way out of your league."

Lucas groaned. "How am I expected to have a love story like F/n's if you barely invited any single people to your wedding?!

"I'm sorry a lot of people in my life are likeable??" I retorted.

"Oh, so are we unlikeable, Y/n?" Laurance questioned.

"Y/n, it may be your wedding, but it's no excuse to be rude!" Garroth exclaimed.

"No, I didn't— Okay, I worded that—"

Two Sides to Every Love (Gene x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now