" Yeesss... Bu... "

" Next.....Don't you prefer dominant sexual partners...?!!"

" That is totally unbelievable... Who feed you all these bull shits... Even if I prefer that.... Isn't it my personal..???"

" From now on I'm your personal... Never mind... One last question.... You should genuinely answer this... I will figure out if you lie... "

" Okay I guess... " Tae hesitantly dragged thinking he should not fall for any trap this time...

" How do I look?? " Jungkook asked, and..

Tae rewind the sight of wet hair Jungkook came down the stairs with open shirt. But his mind irrelevantly played the sight of Jungkook's built chest and abs which is now pressing on his back.


" Good... " Tae lied after giving a side glance to Jungkook.

" Elobrate your answer Tae... Or accept the fact that you already fell for me.."

" Fine whatever... You look charming, smart and kinda h-hot...!! Yeah the muscles and all... I envy you... Don't want to touch you... There is a big difference.."

" Now I know you wanted to touch me... Once you taste the honey you can't restrain your urge to lick your finger clean... So...." Jungkook teased all the while licking Tae's finger.

" What the .... "

" Shhhhhh!!! This should be the last time...No more cursing in front of daddy... You sould be a good baby boy for me... "

" Ewwww!! Seriously??? I feel disgusting hearing these words from you... Give me some time Jeon please... "

" Call me Jk... Like you did before... It sounds good from your pretty lips... " Jungkook slightly caress Tae's lips with his finger.

" Whatever.... Can I ask one question?! " Tae asked..

" Only one.. But I promise I'll answer you genuinely...Go ahead... "

" What do you want from me?! dont tell me ' I want you...' Tell me why do you like me this way and what do you really want from me..? " Tae hesitantly asked..

" I want you... "

" Shhh.... " Tae sighed in frustration

" Cool baby... I seriously like to annoy you... and coming to the answer for your question.. You are damn pretty, so sexy, burning  hot than all the girls and boys I've ever layed my eyes on...

At first I want to taste you once... That's easy I would have sedate you and had you then and there.... But.."

" Sorry???!!! " Tae couldn't believe his ears, he wanted to make sure if he heard it right..

" Hear me out baby... Now I want to taste you whenever I want, with your permission and involvement... the important thing is... From now on I should be the only one to taste you... For that I don't want your permission... It's decided... "

" So bold.. What if I say..??? I have a girlfriend.. "

" I know you don't... But if that's the case I will kill anyone who comes near you this close.. " 

Jungkook said and  pulled Tae further on to his body burying his head on Tae's crook and whisper sweet words , to say Tae is shocked is an understatement, his soul left his body for a second and it came back again...

" D-do you l-love me Jk?! " Tae hesitantly asked..

" I said I will answer only one question... From next time be specific with your question... and since you over asked... I won't answer this question until the day I want to answer it myself... "

" Unbelievable!! "

" Your fault... This should have been your first question baby... It's your fault to born this beautiful and came right in front of me when I least expect it..."

Could be yours too... May be it's my destiny to end you!!

" Whatever Jk.... Let go of me now.. That will be  very helpful for me to think what I want... "

" Isn't it obvious from your answers?! You want me... I'm your secret crush Tae... "

" That's a new information... I didn't know this yet??!! " Tae sarcastically says...

" Didn't I tell you...its...SECRET crush..! Your mind kept it secret from you... You will know it soon....Don't take too much of my time... I have less patience... I have soft spot for you.. Don't try to take it for granted... You don't know my other side "

" I can say the same... "

" I'm ready to face all your sides... Baby... Serious face don't suit you... Just carry that annoyed pouting face always... I like it that way. It suits you better... "

" Everything is ok Jeon.. Now can you please....Let go of me.. ?!"

" It's JK.. and... If I let go of you you might escape... I know you can't escape me.. But I don't want to play run and chase now... Let's play it in our bed later.... Now... Kiss me.. "

" I'll kiss you on your cheeks thinking of you like my younger brother... Is that ok for you?! " Tae sarcastically asked to annoy Jungkook..

" Such a kill joy Taehyung.... Besides I'm elder than you... You can call me hyung Or daddy if you want but I want to hear that ' Jkeyyy ' in bed... "

" Ok elder brother... As this is not your bed... Take kiss from your younger brother... "

" You know what??! I don't give a damn about how you call yourself.....what you think in your mind... As long as I get what I want... Right now I want a kiss... Just give me my kiss and leave... "

" Incorrigible!!! "

Taehyung sighed in frustration and turned around forcibly released his his body from the tight hold of Jungkook to kiss him on his cheek. Tae knew from Jungkook's smirk that he will play some trick . So he tightly hold Jungkook's jaw so that he won't turn while kissing on his cheek.

Tae placed a feather light kiss on Jungkook's clenching strong jaws, he received it with a smile. While Tae scolded himself for thinking too much, Jungkook  suddenly pulled Tae and placed a deep kiss on the corner of his lips. Tae got flabbergasted by this action.

Not because he didn't expect this kiss, its because the kiss didn't feel any bitter rather it tastes sweet. Tae didn't feel disgusted, if anything he felt really comfortable and little bit needy... ....


Tae's eyes were wide open with his pouty lips, he stood there like a statue. Jungkook can't stop chuckling inside at this action. He can guess.....for a straight boy Tae , Tae didn't feel disgusted at all.

" Did you like it that much?!!! Want more?! "

" Ye... Nooooo.... Damn... I feel.... It's awkward... Mr. Jeon... Don't do this without my permission... "

" Ok baby... With your permission... " Saying this Jungkook again kissed Tae,  but this time straight peck on Tae's lips.

" Jk!!! Stop this...  Please....We are not teenagers... "

" You look so pretty Tae, I can't restrain myself from kissing you... Can't wait to have our first kiss... "

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