Erica closed her sandwich bag and stuffed it in her lunch box, before pulling out two Caparisons. "I usually sit in the gym but we could just walk around if that's too loud for you."

She was just being mindful. The gym could be loud at times, there were a lot of different sounds and she didn't want anything to trigger Kaires.

Erica gave him one of her juice boxes, "I don't think I want—to if that's okay?" He mumbled, almost feeling embarrassed for deciding to go back to class instead of skipping.

"That's fine with me. Probably for the best anyway." She never really came back after the third lunch but she wanted to be around him so she didn't mind going. Again, she couldn't afford to fail another year.

Erica smiled at him, she hadn't looked at him today but now that she finally did, he looked good. He had on a white long-sleeved tee with a black polo sign, some regular black jeans, and his Air Force ones that had a few black outlines on them.

"How do you pick out your clothing?" She wondered out loud, he looked like he planned them the night before or even got help from someone or something. He always dressed like he slept with his outfit next to him on the bed, as a little kid would.

His outfits were always so well put together, he was plain so it was hard to mess them up but still.

"What? Oh, my sister buys my clothes. She mostly gets s-sets but outfits like this, I do m-myself."

Ricky nodded, "She has good taste and you wear everything so well." He mumbled a small 'Thank You.'

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot to ask but are you fine in the cafeteria? It's not too loud is it?" She questioned as she grabbed a Mott's fruit snack out of her bag before zipping it back up.

"It's not too loud, I just-just feel like everyone is staring at me." He glanced around, beginning to feel claustrophobic all of a sudden, "W-why did you ask m-me-e that? I wasn't focused on them and n-n-now I am."

"Shit, Kaires I'm sorry." She pinched herself. Even though she wasn't aware, she still felt like an idiot for even bringing the topic up. The first time she invited him to lunch they had decided to stay in the classroom instead.

"I-it's okay, I don't think—Relax!—I want to come back to-tomorrow though." Before it felt like they were the only two people in the room and now he was becoming aware that there were at least two hundred people along with them.

"Okay, you don't have to. I want still to be with you at lunch though."

He shrugged before putting in his AirPods, "Fine with me. I'm starting to get a little—A little—A l-little anxious, I'm about to listen to some-something quickly."

Erica said nothing but watched as he leaned his head against the heater. He was tapping his foot so fast that she could feel it on her side of the table.

"You don't h-have any-any-a-any chocolate do you?" He blurted, a little loud because of his headphones but he wasn't hurting anybody. The look on his face got her a little anxious.

She shook her head, "No, I'm sorry." Kaires tried to hide his disappointment with a smile but it was still clear as day.

He wasn't going to have a tic attack, not today and especially not in front of her or any of the others. So, he switched his affirmation ASMR to 'Chocolate Eating ASMR.' To his surprise, they had some videos.

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