Jake notices I'm struggling and leans over my shoulders as he's behind me and does some code work and it all stops.

"There you go they shouldn't get backed in" he says as he smells my hair.

"You need to teach me that" I say, smelling his cologne and I'm trying to keep my calm as I'm working.

He grabs my hand and pulls me up and sits down and pulls me back on his lap. My mind runs back to all those years ago before he got free.

He'd have me sit on his lap while he worked and we would never last long before the kisses would start.

I feel him squeeze my waist "you paying attention" his voice in my ear brings me back.

"Yeah" I say blushing.

He whispers in my ear "my mind went back there as well."

I watch him typing and he explains everything. He leaves it open and opens another thing for me. I follow what he did without looking at his. He looks at mine and squeezes me tight again.

"Good Job, MC" he says into my neck and my body melts against him.

"Shit no" I say as I come to my senses and stand up away from him.

He stands up and comes in front of me. "Too soon?" He asks looking down at me.

"Yes, all of this is just bringing back so many memories Jake and I can't focus" I says looking away.

He kisses my cheek gently "okay I'll leave you alone." He says as he starts walking away.

I grab his hand and he pulls me towards him. "Don't get me wrong I want this but I'm working" I say as I bite my lip.

"I'll come pick you up later and we'll go back to my place" he says as he kisses my lips doing that thing I love and then he pulls away and leaves the apartment.

I lean against the door frame as I hear my computer go off again.

"God damn it!" I yell as I go back and look at the screen and deal with the issue.

It's been eight hours since Jake left and Jessy shows up just as I'm getting done with my day.

"What we want to do for dinner?" She asks leaning against the door frame to the office.

"Don't get mad at me but Jake is going to pick me up" I say, trying to soften the blow.

"I had a feeling so I grabbed myself some food" she sighs.

"I'm sorry Jessy. When he stopped by earlier with coffee I had to kick him out so I could focus. We definitely need time completely alone to deal with some emotions" I say as I shut off the computer.

"No I get it. I'm still not 100% team Jake like I was all those years ago. However, the way he looked at you last night while we ate Chinese food and the four of us just talked made me realize he is trying to be the bigger person then he was when he hurt you." She says with a sigh.

"He really is, things with him just fit perfect. You know first hand the guys I brought around these last three years were not a good fit for me. I mean shit look he dealt with everyone giving him shit yesterday" I say with a laugh as the doorbell rings.

"Is that him?" She asks.

I look at the camera outside and see he even has sunflowers in his hands and smile "yeah and he got me flowers."

Jessy looks at my screen "okay that gives him points. Coffee and flowers in one day" she jokes.

I hit her arm gently "he's trying" as I ran to the door and open it.

"Hey" he says with a smile.

I kiss him gently and he pulls me close. "Um hi" says Jessy standing behind me.

"I got these for you MC" handing me the sunflowers. "And this for you Jessica since I'm taking her away tonight" he says handing her a gift card to the new restaurant door the street.

"Thanks" she says taking it and walking away.

"You're gonna have to win her back after all these years" I say, taking the flowers into the kitchen.

"I understand. I know I have to with the whole group to really get your heart back fully." He watches me find a vase and put the flowers in them.

"Yeah right like you actually lost her heart" Jessy snickers getting herself a drink.

"Jake do you mind waiting outside for a moment?" I say glaring at her.

He kisses my cheek "sure."

As he walks out of the apartment and closes the door.

"Jessy what the hell?"

"What?" She states

"I thought you'd be happy that I'm happy" I cross my arms annoyed.

"You let him back in too easy" she says walking away.

"No your not walking away from this fight. I let you and everyone else put their thoughts into every other guy I brought around these last 3 years. Shit your even the one that said to that stupid hacker I brought home 'he's nothing like Jake. Doesn't even treat you the same' but here we are. Jake comes back into my life and you all try to fight him and me. Only ones that didn't are Hannah and Lilly."

"You want to know why?" She yells as she spins around.

I stand there waiting for her to tell me.

"Because he's their brother! They want them around for the kids! They don't care that he hurt you. Shit Phil cares more than they do about that. But no you had to screw up that chance. " she yells at me.

"First off I didn't screw up anything with him! We realized we were better as friends! Plus you're the one that told me you'd rather see me give Jake another chance then date him. Plus look how much he's in love with Cleo, thats what was meant to be!" I say turning around to get my purse and a pair of shoes.

"You don't see it with him do you?" She tries to say calmly.

"With who?" I ask.

"Jake.... He's playing Mr. Nice guy again because he knows he will fall right back into his arms. " she says with tears in her eyes.

"What are you talking about Jessy? This is the same Jake I fell madly in love with. This isn't the same Jake I started falling in love with through text but the one I fell head over heels once we were together."

She pulls out her phone and shows a bunch of pictures from the last six hours of Jake with other girls, and videos of him smooth talking. "He's playing all of you, I don't want to go through that again."

I take her phone and swing open the door and stare at him. "You have five minutes to explain these" I say showing him what Jessy showed me.

Is This The End? - DuskwoodМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя