Chapter 12: Like Old Times

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I wake up to my alarm going off the next morning for work. I get up to an empty bed and go to shower. The thoughts of last night come running back to me and I smile. I throw on a button down blouse and a pair of comfy shorts and a touch a makeup. Thankfully with working from home I don't have to wear the suits anymore and I have no video meetings today. I head out to the kitchen and see Jessy making coffee.

"Mmm coffee is needed" I say as I pour myself a cup.

"You need to tell me everything!" She states "I told you love hard but slow" she says glaring at me.

"You told me you didn't want to hear about the roof deck though" I say with a smile to her.

"Yeah but you guys couldn't stay away from each other last night I thought he was never going to leave" Jessy states leaning on the counter.

"We said what our hearts and minds needed and god did we kiss" I say while taking a sip of coffee.

"Like at the bar?"

"No this was different. This was like old times with him. Our bodies hadn't forgotten eachother one bit. It was almost like it's fate" as I have the biggest smile on my face.

"I just hope he's falling just as hard because I swear he breaks your heart like that again and there is no coming back" she states sterned.

"He's working on those demons, Jessy. But I'll be in the office. I have to work today," I say, grabbing a bowl of fruit and my coffee as I head in there.

I sit at my desk and turn on my computer. As I get everything ready a text comes through.

Jake: I can't get last night ouf of my head. Want to grab coffee? ;)

MC: I know I can't either. Sadly I have to turn you down on the coffee as I'm in my office already about to start work.

Jake: Well then can I bring you the coffee?

I smile at my phone as i3 hear my computer go off.

MC: sure if I don't answer real fast I'll be there in a moment

Jessy comes walking by "I swear have you stopped smiling?" She leans in the door frame.

"Yeah but how can I not want to smile when he's bringing me coffee" I say.

She looks unamused and walks away "U said love slow!" She yells

I laugh as I start working on my project. After 15 mins working I finish my coffee and I look up and see Jake in the doorway.

"Shit how long have you been standing there?" I laugh.

"Not long, your coffee is still hot" he says walking towards me and handing it to me. I hear another alarm go off.

"Ugh they just never stop!" I grunt.

"You never told me what your doing now" he asks as he sits in a chair I have in there.

"I got a job with cyber security" I laugh at the irony. "What have you been doing these last three years?" I ask glancing at him from my computer while working.

"Freelancing for different cyber security companies when they need some extra help" he smiles because we both work in the same field.

"Ah that's why you're not working" I laugh "but I wonder if we worked together without realizing it. I never asked the freelancers that have worked with me their names" I say as a notification pops up for a hack coming through but I keep fighting it.

"Mind?" He asks.

"Go ahead I've keep getting this same one this morning" I say frustrated as I'm not stopping.

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