Chapter 1: The Fight

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After two long years of being with Jake and helping him get free things don't feel right. We act like everything is okay but I feel like I'm making a fool out of myself lately. There have been a lot of fights and even with the distance. I just cant help but wonder what is going on. The last time I saw him was six months ago. He flew out and spent time with me while meeting my family and friends. Those two weeks everything was great until just before he had to head back. He got distant and pushed me away.

These last three months I've been looking at apartments and setting up job interviews. I should of known when Jake didn't ask me about it that something was wrong.

I ended up flying out to Colsville to surprise him and I knocked on his apartment and a girl answered wearing on of Jake's t-shirts.

"Hello" she says confused.

"Sorry I must have the wrong apartment. My friend must of moved recently." I say with my heart breaking knowing the truth.

I hear from behind the door Jake's voice "your coffee is ready, love" as the girl shuts the door.

I stay stable and walk to the elevator. I wait for it to open and I heard someone come out of one of the apartments. I try not to look back, not wanting to see if it's Jake. As the elevator door opens I feel someone grab my hand and spin me around and I see Jake. I lose it and break down looking into his blue eyes that don't have that love I used to see looking back at me.

"MC please let's talk" he says.

I can't say anything as tears start streaming down my face. I manage to get out of his grip andI bolt into the elevator

"You stay" I manage out between the tears as I make the door close. I fall to the floor and my phone goes off and I see it's Jake. I toss it in my bag and it breaks my heart.

I knew this was coming, he became distant but I didn't want to believe it. I walk out and get into the rental car and my phone keeps going off and it's Jake.

I answer after the 10th call since I told him to stay "Jake I don't want to hear it! You made a fool out of me!" I say hanging up without letting him say a word.

I pick up my phone and call Jessy. I know she moved to Paris after we managed to find Hannah but I know she comes to visit so I'm hoping that when I told her I was coming here that she was coming.

"Hey girl everything okay? I know you said you just got into Colville today" she says as she answers the phone.

"Jessy" I say , bawling my eyes out, unable to get out anything more.

"MC what is wrong do I need to get Dan on this chat?" she ask

"No Dan. He's just going to tell me 'I told you so'.... I came out here to surprise Jake and try and rekindle because we haven't seen each other in 6 months and" I start having a panic attack.

"Calm down, I just landed coming to Duskwood as well. Send me your location and I'll come get you in a cab and we can go get coffee."

I send her my location "Jessy..... Its over between me and him and there is nothing to fix anymore. He cheated on me," I say crying again.

"I'll be there right away. Once I get out of the cab I'll call you again, stay there please." she says, concerned for me.

We hang up the phone and I lean my head back and close my eyes.

My mind wanders to these last six months. Where did we go wrong? What happened we were madly in love? I thought moving out here would make things better and we could live a normal life together.

I get startled by someone knocking on my window and I open my eyes and see Jake. He has a cup of coffee in his hand and I see the sadness in his eyes. My window is cracked so I don't get too hot waiting for Jessy

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