chapter two: keys

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BEGINNING OF CHAPTER AUTHOR'S NOTE: new chapter!! sorry it's so delayed y'all. i've been SO busy with my job and it's hard to find free time. hope you enjoy this chapter, more to come soon.

"BEEP. BEEP. BEEP." Georges annoying alarm blared in his ear, his phone speaker directly next to his face.

George squinted open his eyes, sighing a breath of relief when he realized it was only his first alarm that went off and that he could sleep in a little longer. He rested his eyes again, snuggling back into his duvet and willing his body back to sleep. Yet no matter how hard he tried to fall back asleep, he couldn't.

Eventually he gave in, pushing himself up off his bed and sluggishly making his way downstairs.

His parents were both in the living room, watching the news and drinking their morning coffees in a peaceful silence. Silence, that was, until George came into the roam groaning.

"Where'd the Cheerios go?" George asked, rubbing his tired eyes with the backs of his hands.

"In the trash. They were expired." George's mom replied.

George scoffed. "Cheerios don't expire. They're Cheerios...I still would've eaten them."

George shuffled around the kitchen trying to find something to eat, with little luck. He then pulled his phone out of the pocket of his fleece pajamas, calling Karl.

"Mr. Jacobs. I have a very important question for you." George said over the phone, yawning at the end of his sentence.

"Oh, god. Nothing good ever comes from a 7:30 am call asking that question." Karl said in response.

"You wanna go into the city with me and get some brunch? There's literally nothing to eat at home." George said.

"There are things to eat here, George! You're just being stubborn." George's mom hollered from living room.

"Um...sure. Can Sapnap come?" Karl asked over the phone.

"Hi George!" George could hear Sapnap yell in the background of Karl's call.

George sighed out loud. He loved all of his friends dearly, but there was something to be said about a friend group that had a couple within it. Sapnap and Karl had been dating for almost a year now, which means they're still in the lovey-dovey phase. George didn't really care that much- he was glad two of his best friends were happy with each other- but it did get kind of old at times.

Sapnap wanted to be with Karl always, and the same went for Karl. They stuck to each other like glue- taking up almost every single hour of each other's free time. And for George, this meant being the third wheel often.

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