"See!that's why they need me!"

The bar's door opened as someone walked in

"Who's that?" Y/n whispered as everyone were looking at the man in the front door

"I don't really know,first time seeing him" Rose whispered back

"not gonna lie he's kinda hot"

"Get yo horny ass away from here" Rose whispered in annoyance 

"yes ma'am" she sweat dropped 

the man walked in as everyone were staring at him,and sat down beside Y/n

"Dark Coffee please" he said

Y/n stared at the man without blinking

"Is there anything on my face?" He said without shifting his gaze towards Y/n

"Not really, no" she replied

"It's rude to stare at people then" he still didn't look at her

"I mean,you're kinda hot... So it's normal for people to stare" She boldly stated

Rose eyes widened and everyone else spat out their drinks out of their mouths as they were shocked to hear what Y/n was saying

"Y/N! WTF ARE YOU SAYING" Rose said,as she lost her calm/bored expression

"I'm what?" He said as he looked at Y/n finally


"I see, interesting opinion,I guess?" he said crossing his arms "I'm Trafalgar D Law, What's your name?"

"Y/n,the Angel"

"An Angel?that can't be real" he replied

Y/n twitched her back and two pairs of white wings popped out of her shoulder blades

"See" she said


Rose brought his coffee and put it in front of him

"Thank you" he said

her wings popped back in as she was still staring at him while he was sipping his coffee

"What now?" He said in annoyance

"Nothing really,still thinking you're quite ho--" she didn't get to finish her sentence as Rose smacked the back of her head


"WATCH YOUR MOUTH YOU FUCKING IDIOT" she yelled "Excuse me sir,this dumbass is really a nuisance " she told law

"It's rather quite interesting,to be able to say what you're currently thinking" Law stated with a smirk on his face

"Did I hit on you?hehe" Y/n said childishly 

"SHUT UP ALREADY" Rose yelled

"Yes ma'am" Y/n sweat dropped

"Hey Angel" Law said wearing a smirk

"Hm?" she tilted her head

"Wanna join my crew?" he asked

"Your WHAT?ARE YOU A PIRATE?" she exclaimed

"Yeah,I'd like to have you in the heart pirates" He said with a smirk,finally finished his coffee


"THAT WAS TOO QUICK" Rose yelled


"Well then,you're officially in,pack your things,i'll pick you up in 8:00 P.m tonight in this bar" he said and walked out of the bar

My Angel (Trafalgar Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now