Speed Stinger

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Class: Sharp Class

Physical Appearance


The Speed Stinger's egg in School of Dragons and Dragons: Rise of Berk appears to have a swirly pattern that radiates from the middle. It is tan in color and has little stripes on each layer of the swirl. Because of the distinct segments on the swirl, it resembles the pattern of some sea shells.

Hatchling to Adult

The Speed Stinger is a swift, flightless dragon which resembles a featherless theropod dinosaur (particularly a Velociraptor). Even though it's flightless, with sail-like appendages on its head, back and legs, the Speed Stinger does have wings, though these are very small and vestigial. Its name is derived from the barbed stinger at the tip of its tail that resembles a stingray's. All of them have red stingers and red eyes. Their small pupils resemble those of Terrible Terrors, and the shape of their heads somewhat resembles that of a blue shark. Speed Stingers have muscular back legs with two claws in the front, one in the back. Some packs of Speed Stingers have webbed talons which allows them to run across water (island hopping). Average Speed Stingers are aqua colored, while the leader has red stripes, highlights, and is slightly larger than the rest of the pack.

Titan Wing

In Dragons: Rise of Berk, Titan Wing Speed Stingers develop a second pair of small wings and their tail becomes much thicker. Their skin turns into a deep shade of fuchsia and their fins, a hue of glossy dark blue. Instead of red, their eyes turn yellow.

In School of Dragons, Titan Wing Speed Stingers still have one pair of wings, but the wings are bigger. The Titan Wing Speed Stingers also appear to have whiskers on their head and back. They also appear to have eyebrow-like parts on their eyes.


Despite being flightless and lacking firepower, Speed Stingers are among the most dangerous and aggressive dragons, and are said to be the fastest, as well as having developed some level of intelligence.

Intelligence and Hunting

Speed Stingers have shown to be very intelligent, as they work in packs and can plan attacks. These attacks are usually planned by their Leader. As pack hunters, these dragons are great planners, capable of easily communicating and executing attacks. They follow the Lead Stinger without question. If he/she is hurt or missing the pack might become confused and scattered.These attacks are usually planned by their Leader.gif

Keen Senses

Speed Stingers have excellent and powerful night vision, as they can see perfectly at night and even through a minor snowstorm. Their senses are also acute to track a missing pack member like Speedy.

Paralyzing Sting and Accuracy

Young Stingers and adults are very accurate with their stingers. Their venom can paralyze any human and dragons such as Deadly Nadders, Gronckles, Hideous Zipplebacks, Monstrous Nightmares, and even Changewings. As shown in "A Gruff Separation", the Speed Stinger venom alone can paralyze a human or dragon without the tail. The sharp stinger on the end of its barbed tail contains a powerful venom that can paralyze a victim entirely in just one sting. The sting eventually wears off, some in hours, others in days, depending on the amount of venom injected.

An adolescent Speed Stinger's venom is not fully developed and can't paralyze an entire victim on one sting. Instead, the venom only works around the area of the sting, leaving the rest of the body movable and operational.

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