Although when the Screaming Death (character) was smaller in size, it was proven that a large, heavy boulder can injure his wing and make him unable to fly. It also made him a vulnerable dragon as he needed his siblings to carry him away.

Dense Scales

The Screaming Death appears to have incredibly tough and strong scales, the thickest of any dragon. The scales appear to give it extreme protection against most attacks, including a Deadly Nadder's spine shot or a Night Fury's plasma blast. Furthermore, their scales are dense enough to be impenetrable by Dragon Root-tipped arrows, making the Screaming Death one of the very few dragons indirectly immune to its effects.


The Screaming Death is intelligent enough to learn from its mistakes and adapt to the enemy's strategies. The Screaming Death is relatively intelligent, as it did not fall for the reflection of Hiccup's shield the second time. Seemingly, the dragon succeeded to overcome some of the weaknesses unique to the main species through mutation. The Screaming Death is attracted to bright and intense light, unlike other Whispering Deaths. It was also able to understand that Hiccup and Toothless saved its mother from harm, and promptly ceased hostility towards them. Over the few years, he was shown to forget his mother's saviors, Hiccup and Toothless, it is possible he didn't recognize them from their age, is very protective of his home or has a bad memory.

TunnelingLike other Whispering Deaths, the Screaming Death can tunnel underground, using its strong jaws and spike-ridden skin. However, its tunnels are much bigger, allowing it to sink islands with little difficulty. Its size is wide enough to fit a flying Monstrous Nightmare.Deafening Scream

The Screaming Death gets its name from its powerful disorienting sonic roar that negatively affects the flight of other dragons, causing disorientation and distraction. It also seems to use this to summon Whispering Deaths to its aid, suggesting they are immune to its scream. It is also loud enough to disorient a Thunderdrum, a dragon with bad hearing.


The Screaming Death's sense of vision is much stronger than that of Whispering Deaths; most Whispering Deaths avoid direct light, but the Screaming Death can fly in daylight with no ill effects. Like their predecessor, The Screaming Death can navigate in the dark with little light and like its cousin the Whispering Death, it can apparently sense roughly what is above him, and any movement that happens to occur on the surface will get to him via vibrations.

Spine Shot

The Screaming Death is able to shoot large spines from any part of its body, much like Whispering Deaths. However, unlike the latter, Screaming Deaths are unable to rotate their teeth due to their jaw shape.

Alpha Control

The Screaming Death is capable of using its sonic roar to control other dragons to a certain degree. In the game Dragons: Rise of Berk, the group of dragons under the Screaming Death's command are known as Exiles; dragons that followed the giant dragon after it destroyed their islands. However, Screaming Deaths can be controlled by larger Alpha Dragons, such as the Bewilderbeast. This ability most likely applies to the Screaming Death being the biggest among its brood, so he holds command over his Whispering Death siblings and can summon them to its aid with his scream. This ability doesn't seem to affect the Whispering Death parent, as when the mother of the brood comes, the Screaming Death immediately gives up the command to her.

WeaknessesLight Attraction

When they are young, they are attracted to sunlight - however, they grow out of this weakness as they age. Additionally, this combined with their large size can be used against them in the proper terrain.

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