The two main Families

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Such things as pepper spray, for protection reasons only.


Russia sighed and turned the water off. He wrapped the towel around his waist and hurried to get himself dry. Ukraine will probably want to use his bathroom soon since Belarus always takes way too long just to get out of their shared bathroom.

You would think their house would have more bathrooms considering it was a mansion, but it only had 3 bathrooms.

Now, imagine having 15 countries and a father sharing all three of them. But luckily for them, most siblings moved out as soon as Soviet died to explore the world while Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus stayed.

Why did they stay? Because Russia was the only one who agreed to pretend to be Soviet and Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus couldn't stand to leave Russia alone to work 24/7 and so they stayed and split the paperwork to make it easier.

Just as Russia was done dressing he heard a knock, "Are you almost done, Rus?" It was Ukraine.

Russia chuckled and opened the door "It's all yours, brother." He said smiling lightly as Ukraine's face lit up. "Thanks," he thanked his older brother before sprinting into the bathroom.

It brightens Russia's day to see any of his siblings happy in the slightest, he'd do anything for them, even though they do get on his nerves sometimes.

Although, don't all siblings get on one another's nerves quite a bit?

Russia made his way downstairs. He will be making breakfast, they will also leave for the meeting at 9:00 AM (09:00) so that would give them enough time to get there at 9:20 AM (09:20), It is currently 7:12 (07:12) in the morning, they had enough time.


Russia had finally finished making breakfast. he made sausage, Eggs, and buttered bread to go with it. It was simple and not a Russian-style breakfast but he knew his siblings would like it, they absolutely loved his cooking.

And speaking of the demon siblings, here they came, down the stairs. Ukraine came down dressed nicely, while Kazakhstan and Belarus were still in their pajamas and rubbing their eyes tiredly.

'It's like every time I'm done cooking, they come at that exact time, I guess that's what happens when you're a good cook,' Russia thought to himself with a smile and placed the plates full of food on the table.

Ukraine took a seat calmly, Kazakhstan sat down slowly, and Belarus quickly sat down and started to shove the food down her throat, making Russia laugh.

He didn't bother to tell her to slow down since she wouldn't listen anyway. If she chokes it's her fault, not his.

Russia didn't get any food, he wasn't so much of a breakfast person. Russia poured himself some coffee and turned to see his siblings who had confused looks, "I will eat lunch, you guys know I do not like breakfast that much."

This still did not help their confusion but they nodded anyway. Russia used to always eat breakfast but now he doesn't which confuses the 3 siblings a lot.

After some minutes of eating and chatting, the siblings put their plates into the sink. Kazakhstan and Belarus went to get dressed while Ukraine stayed with Russia in the kitchen.

Ukraine and Russia decided to talk for a bit until their siblings were finally walking down the stairs.

Kazakhstan was in comfy clothes, not caring about looking formal but rather if he felt comfortable or not. And Belarus wore a short black dress.

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