She nods, letting the bags go. She walks to the kitchen, searching for something to eat. She wouldn't do this in just anybody's house. But it was her best friend's. She walks to the stairs again as he walks down. "Do you mind if I make dinner?" "Knock yourself out." He says, motioning her to the kitchen. She smiles, walking away. He sits at the table sipping a beer as she starts before he hears a honk outside. "Must be Billy." He groans as he stands. "Come on, little one, start after they leave." Her heart flutters and she can heard the 'click' of the switchblade wings. He sets his hand on the small of her back when she walks in front of him. Click. She swallows them, scratching up her throat. She smiles at Billy when they walk out. "Ah, Brianna."

"Afternoon, Billy, Jacob." She greets. Jacob smiles and nods toward her as Bella walks out. "Bella, you remember Billy Black." Charlie says, leaning against the truck. "Yeah. Wow, you're looking good." "I'm still dancing." Billy jokes. Brianna laughs. "I'm glad you're finally here. Charlie, here, hasn't shut up about since you told him you were coming." Charlie rolls his eyes. "All right, keep exaggerating. I'll roll you into the mud." "After I ram you in the ankles." Billy rolls toward him quickly. Bella and Jacob get to talk as Brianna watches Charlie and Billy mess around. "Now, now, boys, play nice." She taunts causing Charlie to roll his eyes playfully, he walks over, patting the truck as Brianna leans on it.

"So, what do you think?" He asks Bella, "Of what?" "Your homecoming present." Charlie states. "This?" "Just bought it off Billy here." He says, his eyes shifting to Brianna for a moment, he thought he was discreet about it but Billy catches him. "I totally rebuilt the engine for you." Jacob says. "Come on! Oh my God! This is perfect. Are you joking me?" She pulls the door open to hit Jacob with it. Brianna laughs, shaking her head as Charlie sets his hand on her back again, steering her away from the truck. "Told you she'd love it." Billy says. "I'm down with the kids." He continues. "Oh yeah, dude. You're the bomb." Charlie deadpans. Brianna laughs again, looking up at him. Billy smirks slightly.

The next morning, Brianna goes through her normal routine, getting the coffees and going to the police station. "Morning, Chief." She says, setting the coffee down. "Good morning, Brianna." He smiles at her. She falters slightly, not expecting him to use her full name. Click. "Be careful." He says as she grins, walking away. "Always am, Chief." She walks backward, smirking at him as she sends a sarcastic salute. He chuckles, shaking his head. She turns back around, her face red as she watches her feet, walking out. Charlie watches her, smiling when he notices how easy it is to fluster the girl. She quickly drives to the school, climbing out and walking in. She hasn't made any actual friends yet despite already being a senior. She sighs.

The day goes by slowly, when lunch rolls around, Bella finds Brianna at an empty table, her nose buried in a book, headphones plugged into her iPod. "Bri." Bella shakes her shoulder. Brianna jumps, pulling her headphones out. "Yeah?" "Come sit with me." She says. "Who're you sitting with?" Brianna asks. Bella points at the table with Eric, Mike, Jessica, and Angela. Brianna cringes. "I'm okay, thanks though." "Okay." Bella slowly walks away, sitting as the Cullens walk into the cafeteria. Brianna watches them, shoving her headphones back in. Linkin Park plays loudly as she looks down again. She glances up at the Cullens again, Alice smiling softly at her. Alice and Jasper were the only Cullens that talked to her. Jasper helped her in history and Alice...

Well, Alice is just nice to everyone. Lunch ends and Brianna quickly stands, gathering her things so she isn't slowed down by other students. At the end of the day, Bella grabs Brianna's arm. "Dad's taking me to the diner, come with?" Brianna grins, nodding. "Of course." At the diner, Brianna sits on Charlie's right, their arms brushing when they move. After ordering, Cora brings them their food. "I just can't get over how grownup you are." She says to Bella. "And so gorgeous." Waylon walks up, smiling at them. "Hey, Bella. Do you remember me?" He asks. Bella glances at Charlie then back to Waylon. "I played Santa one year." "Yeah, Waylon, she hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four."

Charlie scowls. "I bet I made an impression though, didn't I?" "You always do." He answers. "Buttcrack Santa." The girls giggle. "Hey, kids love those little bottles though." Waylon says. "All right, let the girl eat her garden burger, Waylon. As soon as you're done I will bring you your favorite. Berry cobbler, remember? Your dad still has it... Every Thursday." Cora smiles as Charlie rolls his eyes as Cora walks away. Brianna discreetly watches Charlie almost the whole time, her stomach filled with the switchblade butterflies every time he looks at her. Each time he looks at her and finds her already looking it makes his heart skip a beat. He scolds himself in his head. She's his daughter's best friend.

They finish their food and Brianna stands, smiling at the two after paying. "I gotta get home. I'll see you tomorrow, Chief." "Goodnight, Brianna." He smiles softly. Bella's brows furrow. "Tomorrow?" "I bring coffee to the station every morning, have since sophomore year." Brianna says sheepishly. Bella grins. "Good to know someone was taking care of him. Do you and your dad still come over every Saturday for dinner?" "Yep. I've learned to cook for the two since Charlie can't." Brianna nudges him with her elbow. He laughs, shaking his head. "Yeah, yeah, keep poking fun." He rolls his eyes. Brianna giggles, looking up at him. He smiles down at her as Bella watches them, her eyes narrowing.

"I'm gonna walk Bri to her car." Bella says, linking her arm through hers. They walk out after Brianna smiles at Charlie again. "Do you like my dad?" Bella asks as they walk to Brianna's car. "W-what?" Brianna quickly asks, her face going red. "No!" She says. "Are you sure? You know I won't be mad." Bella assures, smirking lightly. "Do you like him?" "I grew up around him, of course I like him." Brianna answers, trying to play it off like she didn't know what she was asking. Bella scowls, shaking her head. "We're gonna talk about this." She states, pointing at her. "Yes, ma'am." Brianna says, climbing into her car and smiling at Bella. "See you at school."

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