Chapter Six: Crazy Train

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June 8th Breakfast

I went to breakfast with a smile on my face. Blake was waiting there for me.

"Good morning sweetheart." He said.

"Good morning sir." I said.

He just smiled.

"What do I have to do to get you to call me Blake?" He asked.

I didn't answer.

"I am not a patient man Ms. Blanchett." He said.

Then his lips smacked mine. I gasped. Then after he kissed me for a second or two I kissed him back.

"Ugh um." A middle aged women stood interrupting our kiss.

"Ah Mrs. Ross. Nice to see you this morning." Blake said breaking away from our kiss. He was smirking.

I on the other hand was heavily blushing. He winked at me.

"Sir, shouldn't you be getting ready for work?" She asked.

"I was just on my way out." He stated. "Be at my office at noon. I'm taking you to lunch."

"I already have plans." I said. It was true today was the day I meet with Emmy and Bella we had arranged lunch plans.

"Do not argue Kate, be at my office at noon." He said.

"Blake, I can't I am meeting my friends, Bella and Emmy." I pleaded.

"Oh so now you call me Blake." He smirked. "You can go but come to my office first."

"Fine." I huffed.

Finally he was gone after kissing my forehead. How could he be so bossy to me, I mean I am a person too and he doesn't own me.


June 8th Evening after a hectic day of  Blake's BS.

I went to my room and got dressed, Then I came out and sat down at the table on my laptop checking my emails.

"You know he's never really brought any of his girlfriends here." Mrs. Ross said breaking into my thoughts. "He must really like you."

"Really?" I asked. Blake was a playboy so I figured he'd brought hundreds of girls here. Wait a minute why do I even care I am his 'fake girlfriend.'

"Yes, I have been one of Mr. Lancaster's maids for 5 years and he has only ever brought one girl here years ago." She answered.

"Oh." I said.

"He dated Miss Mira Peterson for two years they were engaged, then something must hve happened because she stopped coming here." The women stated. "It was evident Sir was heartbroken he loved her deeply."

"I didn't know that." I answered kind of dry but I didn't know what else to say.

"So Blake isn't a playboy like the newspaper said?" I asked hesitantly.

"No, no of course not. I've known Blake since he was 4 but only have been his made a few years, he is super kind Miss Kate, please give him a chance to love again. I see the way he looks at you." She replied with a gentle smile.

"Thank you for telling me this Mrs. Ross, I guess what I've read about him was wrong." I answered.

"You're welcome dear and please call me Janine." She replied.

"Well Janine, I better be going, I have to meet Blake before I head to see my friends." I said walking away.

"Have fun dear." She called as I was leaving.


About half an hour later I was standing in Blake's office. He wasn't in here but his new PA said he'd be here soon.

I only had to wait about 5 minutes and he walked in.

"Are you ready Kate?" He asked with a smirk. Dang he had a sexy smirk.

"Ready for what?" I asked confused.

"To meet your friends of course. A friend of yours is a friend of mine?" He said.

"You are NOT coming with me." I stated putting up a fight.

"Oh, sweetheart I think I am." He replied.

"No Blake, please I haven't seen them in like a month can I go by myself? I am a grown adult. I don't need a babysitter." I asked.

"That's where you're wrong, you do need a babysitter. I am coming with. No, if ands, or buts, it's final. Let's go." He said.

I hit him. he grabbed my wrist. "I hate you." I muttered angrily.

"No you don't you love me." He said.

"No I absolutely do NOT love you." I said.

"Do you have to fight me on everything?"

"Yes, because I don't trust you." I answered.

"I will gain your trust, don't worry about that. One of these days you'll beg for me." He said pulling me into his chest gazing into my eyes. He had very pretty eyes if I may add.

"As if Blake Lancaster. I will not beg for you." I fought.

He moved some of my hair away from my face and whispered in my ear. "We'll see about that." I shivered.

"Come on we're going to be late you wouldn't want that now would you." He said.

"This is not over." I said, then He grabbed my hand and we headed toward the restaurant where we were going to meet my friends. Boy was I scared.

We reached the restaurant and only Bella was there so far.

"Man Kate, you weren't lying when you said he was a hottie." Bella said.

I instantly blushed and gave her the death glare...

"Wait Kate, told you that she though I was a hottie?" He asked a little shocked but he had a big grin on his face.

"Yeah, she did and now I can see why." Bella said with a laugh.

"Bells, stop it." I said. shaking my head.

"Kate, thinks I'm a hottie, Kate thinks I'm a hottie." Blake said sing songily.

"Oh come on grow up, and you know you are hot." I said and instantly covered my mouth.

"Oh so now you admit it." He smirked.

Luckily Emmy showed up right then.

"Hey Kate!" She said and hugged me. "You must be the hot Mr. Lancaster Kate told use about." She finished.

"Oh Em not you too." I stated heavily embarrassed.

"Hello Emmy, You can call me Blake. I am delighted to hear my girlfriend says so much about me." He answered.

"Fake girlfriend." All three of us girls said at the same time.

Blake looked like he got hit by a truck.

"You guys know?" He asked baffled.

"Yeah, I told them before you said not to tell anyone." I said quietly hoping to not be in trouble.

"Can I speak with you alone Kate." He said angrily.

"Um yeah sure. Be right back girls" I said.

"Have fun." Bella said with a wink. I just rolled my eyes and went to talk to Blake.

"What is he pissed about know I thought..."

A/N Hope you all enjoyed chapter five!!!! 15 more votes for 6.

Lmk what you guys want to see in the future of this book, never really written a billionaire romance before!!!

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