Chapter Five: Every Breath You Take

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June 7th Still in the bathroom at the party!!!

I am scared to go out, some lady named Madam Francesca yelled at me in French about how I was eating with the wrong fork. Blake sort of saved me, but mostly he sat there laughing at me. I was devastated. I decided to excuse myself to the bathroom rather thn embarrass myself some more.

So here I am sitting in this fancy rich person bathroom on a couch. I know right?!!! They have frickin' couches in their bathroom.

I hear a knock on the door breaking into my thoughts.

"Kate, I know you're in here." The manly voice said. "Open the door please sweetheart, I didn't mean to hurt you."

I got off the purple couch and opened the door.

"Blake you laughed at me in front of all those people." I pleaded trying to keep myself from crying again.

I was getting close to me, pushing me back into the bathroom.

"Baby, I didn't mean to hurt you." He said with an understanding face, why was he being so nice?

"You don't have to pretend in here it's just us you know." I said rolling my eyes.

"You look very beautiful tonight." He said changing the subject.

"Thank you, sir" I said biting my lip a little, It was my habit when I am anxious or scared.

"Kate, we don't need to start this again." He warned.

"Ok, sir, I am going back to the party care to join me?" I said with a smirk, I started walking away from him.

Blake grabbed my arm, I kept pulling away until his arm reach my hand. He pulled me clsoe to him our foreheads touching, our eyes locked, man he had beautiful eyes. His breath on my face sent chills down my body. "Miss Blanchett" He says. "I'd love to join you." He pulled his face away from mine and kissed my cheek gently. He kept a hold of my hand and pulled me out of the bathroom. Oh come on just kiss me already, that would be a first kiss to remember.

Blake grabbed us some Champagne and introduced me to several people. Then we walked over to an older couple.

"Mother, Father, this is Katherine Blanchett my girlfriend." Blake said with some confidence. "Kate, these are my parents."

"Oh nice to meet you dear, Blake has said so much about you." His mother, Charlotte Lancaster said.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Lancaster." I answered..

"Oh no know none of that, you can call me mom now hon." She said.

"Thank you." I replied.

Charlotte and I talked for a while, while Blake spoke to his Father, Nicolai Lancaster.

Charlotte was a very nice women dark graying hair with blue orbs, she stood maybe 5'6 or 5'7 and wore an elegant gold gown. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun.

After finishing talking to my new mother, a slow dance song came on.

"Would you like to dance, Miss Blanchett." Blake asked.

"Of course Mr. Lancaster." I answered with a giggle. "Fair warning though I can't dance."

"You can't dance? Everyone can dance." He asked looking shocked.

"I really can't and I apologize now If I step on your feet." I said with a nervous laugh. "Just don't let me fall."

"I won't let you fall Kate." He said with a smirk.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Yes, of course." He said rolling his eyes.

We danced the slow song, it was an intimate moment. We just looked into each other's eyes. It was kind of awkward though. He leaned down toward the end of the song.

"My parents seem to like you." He said.

"Do they? I was worried they weren't going to." I said.

"They asked when I am going to put a ring on it." He said with a laugh.

"What?" I said almost too loud.

"Kate, it's in the contract that if I need to marry you will have to do it. But, don't worry I told them it's going to be a few months at least." He said.

"Oh right." I said and sighed.

After spending some time at the party, Blake suggested we go home since he'd had enough partying apparently.

In the limo back home not a word was exchanged between us. One moment he was nice then next we weren't on speaking terms. This man was driving me crazy with his bipolar.

One we reached the penthouse we approached the elevator and both of us stepped inside.

I stood in there probably looking like an idiot. I was tapping my finger on the purse hoping time would pass and I am sure I was biting my lip too. Blake looked over at me.

"Screw the contract." He said and pushed me into the elevator wall, I let out a gasp and his lips crashed onto mine, I could feel his tongue on my lips so I granted him full access and we started making out. He was kissing me like he was hungry for more. I reciprocated. He was an extremely good kisser. He definitely made my first kiss a memorable one.

The elevator dinged and he pulled away.

"I-I'm sorry, Kate." He said. "I should have asked you first before doing that."

"You're sorry? Don't be that was the best first kiss I could have ever gotten." I responded with a smile.

"That was your first kiss?" He asked.

"U-uhm y-yeah." I said blushing a little from embarrassment.

"I'm really sorry then, I shouldn't have taken your first kiss." He answered.

I pouted a little. "It's fine, I should go to sleep." I said, Then I got on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

"Goodnight sir." I said with a smirk.

He pulled me back to him and his lips crashed to mine once again. This kiss was different, it was more passionate, a lot slower and more meaningful. He held my hips and his hands journeyed to my back where he rubbed his hands up and down. It felt good. His lips moved to my neck and he must have found my sweet spot because I moan. After I'm pretty sure he gave me a hickey his lips found mine again.

After some time he pulled away. "What are you doing to me?" He asked with a smile.

I just answered with. "Goodnight sir, see you at breakfast." And with that I went back to my room and slept the best sleep of my life. 

A/N: Chapter 5 is here!!! Hope you all like it. It's a bit steamy!!! Trying to keep this PG-13 so we'll see how long that lasts lol!!!

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