Chapter Eight: Holy

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A/N I've decided to give you guys a glimpse from Blakes POV... Enjoy!!!

Blake's POV:

After Kate dismissed herself from Mason and I we started talking about her.

I just couldn't get my mind off of her. Normally I had girls falling at my feet, begging for me. Kate was different. Different in a good way.

"So you really like her then man don't you?" Mason asked.

"Mason you and I both know I don't do love anymore." I said wanting him to stay out of it.

"Come on Blake, it has been 2 years since Mira. You gotta move on."

"I let her into my life which I rarely did with anyone and all she wanted was my money." I said.

"I can tell that Kate is different. She looks at you with admiration. You look at her the same you know." Mason stated. "It's not the same way you looked at Mira."

"I don't now man, we are on a contract and she wants to stay to that." I said.

"Just don't let her get away if she's the one." Mason replied.

"So anyone for you Mason?" I asked trying to throw him into the hot seat now.

"No not yet, I am always on the lookout though."

"So anything new with you?" I asked.

"No nothing much, I am still looking for a secretary and it's been hectic trying to find one and organizing everything by myself." Mason answered.

"I know how you feel Marie went on maternity leave last week and the new girl isn't as good as her." I said to Mason.

We talked for a little while longer before Mason decided to leave.

I went to check on Kate before turning in myself. She was already asleep so I went over to her and kissed her forehead and pulled the blanket up so it covered her completely. Then I decided to go to sleep.

That was the first night I dreamed about Kate Blanchett



June 9th 8:30am

I woke up and went for a run this morning. Bella keeps telling me I need to exercise to keep my heart healthy and I decided to take her advice this morning.

I ate my usual breakfast and decided to go to Blake's office. Why? I don't know I just couldn't stop thinking about him.

I had Peter his driver come pick me up and take me there.

When I arrived to his office his new PA said he was preoccupied for the moment and when I asked who he was with the lady stated a woman.

Who was the woman he was with?

About 5 minutes later a tall brunette woman wearing high heel and a really short dress came out of his office with her lip stick smudged. She was wearing a short mini skirt and a crop top with a pair of super ugly heels.

"Oh so your the gold digging bitch." She said as she walked by with a devilish smirk on her face. I was completely and utterly shocked someone said that to me.

I barged into Blake's office wondering what the heck just happened. I found him wiping lipstick off his lips.

"Kate it's not what it looks like." He said trying to defend himself.

"Oh yeah then what was it?" I answered challenging him.

"She kissed me. I pushed her away." He replied.

"Blake I know this is all fake but the contract even said no outside relations." I answered.

"I swear I wasn't doing anything, she doesn't mean anything to me." He pleaded.

"You know what, go find yourself another fake girlfriend, I am done." I answered storming out.

I had tears streaming down my face and told Peter to take me to Bella's house since she didn't work today.

My phone kept buzzing every time I looked down to see the caller ID it read Blake. I kept rejecting it.

Why was I even crying, this was a fake relationship after all. In a few months I would be broken up with him anyways.

After to what seemed to be forever we arrived at Bella's house. Bella lived in a 2 story townhouse her parents bought her for a college graduation present.

I knocked on her door using our secret knock and walked in.

"Lemme guess it's Emmy." Bella said in her kitchen before she could see me.

"Nope." I said.

"Kate... EEEEEhh, So good to see you.... How's it going with Mr. Billionaire???" She asked dragging the sentence on forever.

"Not so good. Bells I decided to quit the contract after I saw a girl with smudge lipstick leaving his office this morning. When I walked in he was wiping the lipstick res ado off his mouth."

"Oh damn." Bella said.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked.

"I'd rather not. At least not yet." I answered.

"Well the good news is I have brownie's getting made." Bella replied.

"Since when does a personal trainer make brownies???" I questioned.

"I make them like twice a year Kate, relax." She smiled shaking her head to my comment.

Bella excused herself to use the restroom and I drug my finger through the remaining brownie mix left in the bowl and ate it.

I wiped my eyes that had tears stuck to them.

"Don't worry, there is a man out there for you trust me. Remember what your mom said too she knew what she was talking about. Plus Mr. Billionaire didn't deserve you anyways, you are way to good for him." Bella said walking back into the kitchen.

"I am so glad I have a friend like you. Thank you for comforting me." I said hugging her.

"That's what best friends are for, oh and by the way Emmy will be here in 20 she's getting off work early today since I texted her and told her to come." Bella answered.

"Thanks Bells, I didn't want to bother her with my sob story I know she's going through a hard time right now with her job." I said.

Emmy hated her bakery job and wanted to literally work anywhere else.

"Of course Kate both of us would do anything for you." Bella commented.

Just then our secret knock was heard on the door and Emmy walked in. She ran over and hugged me.

"I am so sorry, Kate. You deserve better honey." Emmy said. She is like the mom of our group.

"I'm fine really guys, lets watch a movie or something." I suggested.

'Ok, how about She's The Man?" Bella recommended.

"Ok sure." We all agreed.

We watched the movie and then I decided to share some more of what has gone on the last couple weeks with Blake since I didn't get to really talk to them when we had dinner last night since he was there. We talked for what seemed to be hours and then we decided to crash at Bella's place since it was late.

A/N: Whatcha guys think of Blake's POV??? Also plot twist is coming up!!!

Who wants to hear more about Mira???

Who wants more Blakes POV???

Ship name help! #Kake , #Blate , #Bate , #Klate OR if you have your own please comment here cuz this one is so hard to come up with!

15 more votes for the next chapter.

AS always be sure to vote, comment and share!!! Love you guys... <3 

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