Chapter 4

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Shortly after Tig and the prospects finished helping Gemma get all the groceries unloaded from her car, Jax called for church. Chibs told his 'ol lady to just stay where she was and he'd be back as soon as he could. She just nodded and remained quiet. She watched all these bikers walk into a room with double doors before the doors were closed off to everyone else. There were kids there and other women making Neveah wonder how many people were actually there at the clubhouse. Gemma noticed Neveah sitting by herself and decided to walk over and talk to her. From the little she'd gotten to know her the other day, she liked the newest 'ol lady.

"Hey sweetheart. How are you doing?" Gemma inquired as she came to a stop by Neveah's table.

"Taking this all in." Neveah shrugged.

"It came be a bit overwhelming when you're not used to this life. Don't worry, the boys will get things fixed as soon as they can." Gemma told her.

"I hope so. I start work next week." Neveah replied making the blond at the bar turn and look at her.

"Starting at St. Thomas?" Gemma asked.

"Yes. I can't wait either. It's my first job out of medical school and residency." Neveah retorted with a smile.

"Hopefully the boys can get things settled before you have to start working. Otherwise you'll have an escort to and from work each day until Jax lifts the lockdown." Gemma told her making Neveah groan.

"I hope so." Neveah stated as she caught the blonde's eye who was sitting at the bar, "Who's the blond at the bar? She keeps looking at me funny."

Gemma turned to see who Neveah was talking about and noticed Lyla sitting there looking around.

"That's Lyla. She's Opie's 'ol lady. She works at the porn studio." Gemma informed her.

"I see."

"If you have any problems, don't hesitate to come to me, sweetheart. And don't take shit from anyone. You're an 'ol lady. You deserve respect." Gemma stated with a wink before walking off to talk to some of the other women that were there.

It was more than an hour before the doors to the chapel opened up and bikers began filtering out into the clubhouse. Chibs sat back down with his 'ol lady and gave her a smile. She reluctantly returned it before turning back to people watching. Chibs had asked Happy to draw him something up for Neveah since she needed to be inked as soon as possible. Happy said he'd get right on it when they were out of church. The Tacoma Killah headed straight to his room to start on drawing out a design for Chibs and Neveah. Some of his brothers were shocked to hear that Seamus had sent Neveah to Charming to be Chibs' 'ol lady but Jax reassured them he'd talked to Seamus himself to confirm who she was and why she was there. Most congratulated Chibs making him laugh and wave them off. Now he was sitting out with his 'ol lady waiting on Happy to draw up her crow tattoo. 

Gemma had Lyla and one of the other 'ol ladies helping make dinner as Happy was busy in his room designing Neveah's crow tattoo. Tig sat down with Chibs and Neveah making her raise an eyebrow at him. She was still feeling uncomfortable around all these bikers but tried to remain calm for Chibs' sake. Tig eyed up Neveah as she sat there looking around. He found it hard to believe she didn't fight anyone on being sent all the way from Ireland to the US to be some random biker's 'ol lady. She was young, or younger than most of his brothers, but rather cute.

"So, what do you do for work?" Tig suddenly asked making Neveah turn her head towards the curly headed biker.

"I went to medical school to be a surgeon. I'll be starting at St. Thomas next week." She replied.

"You don't have a Irish accent, where are you from originally?" Tig questioned feeling a bit more confused about the woman.

"Texas. My dad moved the family to Ireland when I was a Senior in high school." She answered.

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