"For Ayumi's sake, I will reset everything!" 

From the ground, even more silver blobs started coming out of everything and flew up into the sky to rejoin the other pieces.

Everyone was running away from the scene except for Ayumi and four other girls which Ayumi did not notice. One woman bumped into Ayumi, knocking her down. She quickly got back up and kept running.

"Fu-chan!" Ayumi yelled out, getting deeper and deeper into the crowd. "Fu-chan! Fu-chan!" 

Ayumi bumped into two more people, but kept on going. 

"Fu-chan!" Ayumi bumped into another person. "Fu-chan!"

Ayumi kept repeating it over and over, bumping into more and more people as she kept going back into the dangers of the city. When she finally made it out of the crowd, a wave of silver raised up, scaring her to the point that she couldn't move. She then felt a hand grab her wrist. She looked up to see a girl a little older than her with what she believed to be her three friends.

"This way!" She told her, pulling her along down a side street. 

To her dismay, the Smile PreCure were fighting some of the monsters off. As suddenly as the four girls arrived to help her, they disappeared, giving her no one to turn to.

"PreCure, Happy Shower!" Happy yelled out, making a heart from her wrists and grasping it in her hands before throwing it forward, a beam of light coming out of it at a piece of Fusion. Instead of being destroy like the one she used it on before did, this one absorbed it and became more powerful. "No, this isn't working at all."

"Remember, Happy, it absorbs our power and grows bigger and bigger?" Sunny reminded her.

"If you eat plenty, you'll grow," Ayumi remembered saying to Fu-chan the day before. 'It's my fault?' Ayumi asked herself. Happy then realized that someone else was there and turned around.

"Ayumi-chan!" Happy said out loud. Sunny then turned around to see her as well. The two then started running up to her.

"You're the girl that was with Fusion," Sunny remembered. Peace, March and Beauty then joined in.

"Where is your Fusion?" Peace asked her. "Is it not with you?" 

Ayumi then looked down to the ground.

"Is it the one up on that tower?" Beauty asked her. Ayumi looked up again, but then quickly looked back down. Her eyes were welling up with tears.

"We won't know unless you tell us," Ryuki told her. 

Ayumi then closed her eyes, imagining Fu-chan being the one at the top of the tower. She then ran through the group surrounding her and ran towards the tower.

"Ayumi-chan," Happy said. 

Ayumi slowed down and stopped, not looking at the PreCure. 

"Isn't there something you want to tell us? Isn't that why you came here, Ayumi-chan?" Ayumi slowly lifted her head a bit, but then put it back down. The Cures watched at how she was going to react.

"Please, help me!" Ayumi asked them, tears welling up in her eyes. "Stop Fu-chan! I didn't mean for this to happen! I didn't really mean that I wanted it to all go away!" 

Ayumi held her face in her hands. 

"Fu-chan said he would grant my wish, but he misunderstood."

"So he's doing this for you?" Beauty asked her.

"Fu-chan isn't the bad guy!" Ayumi told them through her hands. "It's all my fault." Happy then walked up to her and turned Ayumi so she was facing her.

[Fanfic] Heisei Kamen Riders x PreCure All Stars New Stage: Mirai no Tomodachi!Where stories live. Discover now