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Apo didn't sleep last night peacefully because the baby kept waking up and crying for His mama.. Apo feeds the milk to baby and put him sleep and apo went back to mile room and sleep again...

At 7:45am

Mile heard the baby cry again so he immediately went to the baby's room and take him to his arms and starts bouncing.. He don't want to wake apo up again..

Mile: Shhh baby don't cry.. Let your mama asleep k.. He's so tired so don't cry

Mile said to the baby and he keep crying so mile checks his nappy. But it's clean and mile guessed he's not hungry too because apo just fed the baby 1h ago..

So mile sits in the rocking chair and rocking the baby back and forth while patting his back softly... Soon the baby fell asleep and mile kissed his forehead and put him in the crib and went to his room and laid down beside apo and fell asleep

Mile and yok and left to hospital little early because they have surgery and mile promised apo that he will come back little early

Then apo feeds his son and plays with him

Apo: p'mile is such a good and gentlemen isn't he baby?

He says to his baby and boops his nose the baby giggled and that makes apo chuckled

Apo: Mama loves you so much.. You love mama too huh?

Apo said and the baby tapped apo's cheeks and babbled something and apo laughed and kisses his cheeks

Skip to night...

Mile and yok comes back home from hospital

Mile: Po we're back

Mile called apo but apo didn't respond so mile called but again apo didn't respond so he mile went to his bedroom but he saw.... Ntg..

He checked the bathroom but apo isn't there too so went to the baby's room but the baby isn't there too...

Mile got worried as hell he went to his room and sits down on the bed and suddenly he saw one note beside his bed he take the note and opens it and reads and got shocked...

Mile: h-he left!

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