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Apo's 9th month..

Mile got feelings on apo...he always thinks one thing about apo...apo don't deserve this life.  He deserves better and also he deserves someone good who loves him truly

But soon he realized he's the one person who loves him truly....Mile is so damn glad that apo Gave divorce to his husband.  That means he got a chance to love him...

Once.. Apo accidentally shouted at Mile because of his bad mood swings.. After that he cried while hugging mile...mile pampered apo like a baby (soon to be his baby)

One day...

Apo is watching TV and yok is in kitchen. And Mile is talking with someone in phn...but suddenly apo felt sharp pain in his stomach and screamed in pain.. Yok and mile ran to apo who is in pain

Yok: OMG Mile it's time.  Let's take him to hospital

She said and was about to take apo hospital but apo can't stand up..

Mile: Yok I don't think so we can take him to hospital.. First let's take him to bedroom

Mile said and picks apo up and take him to bedroom and slowly lay apo down on the bed

Apo: hurts

Apo cries in pain and mile kissed his forehead and said soothing words

Yok: Mile you come stand beside apo I will do it..

Mile: No yok you do that and.... I will do it

Yok: What!  Do you know how to do it?

Mile: Oh come on yok I know how to do it just trust you go and take some scissors clean water and clothes

Mile said and she immediately went to take them while...Mile placed a bed sheet on apo waist and removes his pants

Mile: Po...spread your legs

Mile said and apo did what he says..  Soon yok comes with the things and placed them beside mile and went to apo and takes his hand and squeezed lightly

Mile: K all ready..  Po I will count three you push the baby k

Apo: o-ok

Mile: Good.... 1..2..3 push apo

Mile said and apo screamed in pain and pushes

Mile: K now take a deep breathe and push

Apo takes a deep breathe and pushed again

Apo: o-omg it hurts

Mile: Po sweetheart.. Last 1 pushe  then you will see your baby k.. Come on apo you can do it..... Now push


apo pushed hardly and the baby come out and apo fell back while panting

Wahh wahh wahh~~

The baby cried and mile looked at the baby and smiled warmly

Mile: Welcome baby..

Then mile gives apo the baby and placed the baby on apo chest... Apo looked at his baby and kissed the baby's forehead

Mile: it's boy po

Apo: o-omg..  My baby boy

Apo says and cried in happiness and kissed his tiny head

Yok: Po I will clean the baby and give him back to you

Apo: Yeah sure

Then yok takes the baby and clean while mile cleaning apo...

After cleaning... Mile takes apo to another room and placed him on the bed and gives his baby boy

Mile: He's look like you po

Mile said while sits beside apo and apo smiles and looks at mile who is already looking at him

Apo: thank you p'mile..

Mile: No worries po.. And you did great I'm so proud of you.. You're so strong po

Mile said and kissed his forehead while placing his hand on baby's back who is cooing on apo's chest.. And mile connected his forehead with apo..

Mile kissed apo's cheek and apo closed his eyes

Mile: So what are you gonna name him?

Apo: Hmm... I will let you name him phi... Plz na

Apo says and rubbed his cheek to mile's arm and mile chuckled and nodded

Mile: K so..... What about... Wan ?

Apo: Wan nattawin wattanagitiphat...i love it p'mile

Apo said and smiled at mile brightly..Mile smiled back at apo and kissed the baby's forehead

Soon you're gonna be Apo nattawin romsaithong po.. I love you

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