.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ 007 *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙.

Start from the beginning

"who are you?" Agatha asked shakily.

"i am the Gnome of the Blue Forest." he announced.

"but i thought gnomes were supposed to be short."

"i thought princesses were supposed to be likeable." he fired back at her. Y/n snorted and Agatha nudged her to stop.

"welcome, students! gather around." he said walking to the gates. "i need you all to sign in so i know who survived and who hasn't." he instructed them.

"i'm scared of this place." Y/n said emotionless.

"hey. normal girl." they turned around to see Tedros smiling at Agatha.

"thank you, for including me." Y/n sarcastically smiled at Tedros. he payed no mind to the h/c girl.

"how's the mind reading coming along?" he asked Agatha.

"uh... oh." Agatha laughed awkwardly. "yeah. no. sorry about that. that was..." she said looking at the ground. "i was just really overwhelmed when i first got here." she explained.

Tedros nodded. "yeah. this place can be overwhelming. never had a princess cop an attitude like that before, though." he pointed at her. "really quite impressive."

"mhm, do the usually all smile and bat their eyes at you?" Agatha asked him.

"yes, they do." he nodded. "which is incredibly boring, so thank you for not being boring." he smiled at her.

Agatha smiled and looked at the ground with a small blush. 'this is so strange.' Y/n thought to herself.

"uh, no, i'm actually, uh, pretty boring. the only person who doesn't think so is my cat." she said to Tedros without really thinking.

Agatha didn't hear what she said so Y/n pointed it out. "Aggie, you just mentioned your cat." she whispered so Tedros wouldn't hear her.

Agatha's eyes widen and she stuttered. "mm, no, i..."

"well, they say, uh, cats are good judges of character." Tedros saved her from embarrassing herself even more.

"they do?" Agatha smiled a little.

"they will." he said after a small pause. "now that i've said it." he chuckled awkwardly. "i'm quite famous here, you know." he changed the subject.

Agatha laughed at him and Y/n stared into space letting the two people talk.

"number one fairy tale prince and all."

Agatha bit her lip and shook her head. "yeah i think... i think when you become king, they're probably gonna have to find a bigger crown to fit on that swelled head of yours." she joked. when she realised he didn't laugh, Agatha immediately felt bad.

finally Tedros snorted and laughed at her. Agatha let a sigh of relief and laughed with him. "nice. nice." Tedros laughed softly.

Y/n got out of her trance and looked at Agatha's hand, which was still clutching the letter Sophie wrote. "the letter." Y/n reminded her and nudged Agatha's shoulder.

"right." Agatha lifted her arm and showed it to Tedros. "this is for you." she handed him the letter. "not from me. from my friend, Sophie." she told him.

"oh, the... the witch with the gorgeous hair?" he asked her, taking the letter from her hand.

"no, no. she's not a witch. she was just dropped in the wrong school." Agatha informed him on their situation.

"no, that does not happen, normal girl." he said. "she's definitely playing you."

"well, in this case it did. trust me. she is... definitely a princess." Agatha frowned a little.

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