29: What's Wrong With Bree?

Start from the beginning

"She has a point, Lexi." Douglas added.

"Ugh!" Dad groaned storming off to the lab.

"I don't think he's happy about it this." Tony commented.

I sighed recalling earlier's event. I turned to Marcus who was at my side flipping through my sketchbook.

"You think my dad's over the whole Perry situation?"

"Not one bit." Marcus said not taking his eyes off the book.

"Thought so." I muttered to myself.

"When is the date anyways?"

"Uh, sometime this week I think."

"Maybe we can go as a double date." Marcus joked. I slapped his shoulder a smile appearing on my face.


I hummed not really paying attention. I thought my nerves would have settled down but I guess not. I don't even know why I'm nervous. I've had people seen my art before, but then again, I've never displayed them, much less put them for sell. It was unsettling for me.

"Look at me."

I slowly looked at him only to return my gaze at the cafeteria's double doors. I heard the creaking of a chair but paid no mind to it. I kept my gazed fixed on the door waiting for Bree to walk through it. I loved the fact that Marcus was here with me but I needed the extra reassurance.

My mind was in its own little world that I didn't notice Marcus was the one that stood up from his seat. He placed a hand on my shoulder causing me to break from my train of though.

"You have nothing to worry about. Just sit back, relax, and let people view your amazing art." Marcus comforted me. I smiled and looked down. He gently placed a finger under my chin lifting my head. He raised his brow not convinced by my smile.

I sighed, "I know I can draw. That's not the problem. Trust me, you know how many years it took me to draw a perfect circle. I've had the practice." Marcus chuckled slightly, "I don't know. Maybe it's the amount of people here that makes me uncomfortable." I shrugged.

Marcus nodded understanding now. He wrapped an arm around me caressing my shoulder. We leaned against the side of table watching people make their way through the different displays.

"Marcus, I'll be back. Imma go check if Bree's here yet."

"Okay. Do you need help finding her?"

"Nah, it's okay. I'll be back."

Marcus squeeze my shoulder before letting me go. I walked out the doors and scanned the room for the bionic brunette. I waited a few more seconds and she'd finally fell into my sight. She was on top of the stairs with Owen. I was about to go to them when I saw Leo rush to them. I hesitated and decided to watch them first.

They talked for a bit before Owen left the two. I couldn't help but look at his and his sculpture. It was an interesting piece I'll give him that.

"Hi." Owen greeted.

"Hey. I, uh, like your mask."

"Thanks, it's made out of controls. The mask represents our fate and how true control is a masquerade." Owen explained, showing off his sculpture. I observed it and it was actually not so bad. Okay, hear me out, the whole concept he came up with is actually clever. Not many people can be so philosophical and have the time to come up with a sculpture for their views. Or I'm just stupid and lazy and can easily be impressed.

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