Chapter Eighteen

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The plane landed, and everyone boarded off; as the boys walked into the airport, Zayn, in a rush, pulled Liam through the airport, dragging their bags with them. Liam looks back at us and says, "See you at the hotel." The other three boys laugh as they walk to the front of the airport exit doors, and a crowd of fans is awaiting them, screaming and cheering.

The boys wave and kiss the adoring fans, some fans catching them and others trying to climb over the barricade to get to the boys. Niall walks up to one of the sides of the border, takes a fan phone, and offers to take a selfie with the group of fans. Holding up the phone and ensuring he got everyone in the surrounding area in the shot, he clicks the photo and hands the phone to her girl.

Cheering with glee, the girl holds her phone close as tears come down her eyes.

"THANK YOU, NIALL! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" he screams to him as he walks away, blowing a kiss to her. Paul and the rest of security were on the way to remove Niall from the barricade for his safety, but they were too late, and he was already walking away.

Louis stops and waves to some fans, hugs them, and takes pictures with them; Harry stands at a safe distance and just waves at the girls. He stands and tides, using the masses and remaining bodyguards to hide his situation.

After so long of greeting and taking photos, the security ushered them into the car, immediately shutting the door and banging on the glass to drive. The boys wave out the window, and fans run up, press their faces against the glass of the windows, and leave kisses on it.

Niall kisses back on the window, and Louis makes a funny face simultaneously, and some of the girls faint. Pulling away from the massive crowd, the boys relax in the vehicle's backseat.

"I've never been to India before; I'm so excited. What should we look at first, lads?" Niall asked excitedly. Before Louis or Harry could answer, one of the team members in the front seat cut them off,

"It won't be any sightseeing, boys; we're instructed to take you to the hotel and lock you in your rooms. Whatever you need will be brought up to you; we cannot let you out unless it's a dire emergency".

Shocked at the man's words, Louis leans forward, a bit outraged, "What? That's crazy you can't do that to us!" he says.

"We can and are; it's in your contract, boys."


"A contract you signed with us."

After the single-sentence response, the man stopped answering Louis's questions, completely ignoring that he was there. Against his many protests, Harry finally got Louis to calm down and relax until they got to the hotel.

The car pulls up to the front entrance of a hotel with a barricade up and police officers in front of everyone standing stiff, holding back the crowd, hotel security on standby near the doors, and moving toward the car. Opening the door and escorting the boys out of the car and toward the hotel doors, cameras flash, fans scream, and the storm starts.

Shielding his eyes, Harry tries to hide away from the camera flashes and their invasive behavior. Ducking down some and hiding his, he still can't get away from them, the "flash rats." Harry gets dumped during the move to the door, and his hand instinctively goes to protect his baby bump.

Looking up for the aggressor, all he could see were flashes and microphones, and tears flooded Harry's eyes as everything was too much for him.

In what seemed to be a blackout, Harry checked out from reality for a few minutes, later coming back and seeing he was in his hotel room in the bed by himself with his bag beside it.

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