Chapter Eleven

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(Don't roast me but the majority of this I did awake, and the other half awake so enjoy😂)

The minute call was made and the crew was counting down. Looking around Zayn and others desperately try and find Harry and Louis but they can't. Using his pregnant mind Zayn went back to where the food was gasping he saw the knocked out head stage hand and their mics on the table.

Zayn didn't know what happened exactly but if he was passed out on the floor and the mics on the table then he had to have done something to ether of the two boys. Sighing he kind of bends down it being hard and shakes the head stage guy. Groans and flickers his eyes, seeing Zayn he is groggy "W-what happened?" he says sitting up.

Zayn shrugs "I don't know but I found you here, we start in about thirty seconds so the other crew needs you" as he stands up more he starts walking about toward the couch sitting down. James looked before they start "Where is Louis and Harry?" Zayn speaks up "I don't know, I went back there and all I saw is their mics and the head of the stage crew passed out."

Zayn rubs his stomach, his baby boy was kicking again "Liam please come talk to your child he's beating me up again" Zayn says. Liam laughs and gets rubs Zayn tummy reaching down he speaks closely to Zayn belly "Hey there buddy, do be favor and stop beating up your momma huh?" Liam says kissing the stomach.

"We roll in three, two, one!" the director says and the music goes off the audience claps. "And we're back I'm your host James and here with me currently are three out of the five members one direction" he says. The audience claps. Liam pats Zayn stomach lightly looking to James.

"See you sending quality time with your new nephew there" Liam laughs "Of course, he's gonna need to know his uncle since we are going to be spending a lot of time together." The audience coos at the statement. James blushes "Well isn't that just sweet?" he says to the audience.

The interview is finally over, Zayn and others answered a few questions, and then played most likely to. The boys wished James farewell and was now out of the studio, word got out that some of boys were here and there was a couple of fans outside waiting. As the fans see Zayn, Liam, and Niall exit they scream and cheer Niall smiles and waves at the fans blowing them kisses.

Zayn holds his bump and he waves to the fans, Liam secretly wraps his arm around Zayn waist keeping him and their child close.


"YOUR GONNA BE A GREAT DAD ZAYN!" another one calls

"ARE YOU NAMING IT AFTER THE BABY DADDY?!!" another girl calls out


Some girls out there didn't buy the whole that random guy being the baby daddy of his child. They saw the thought Liam was the child's father and they were sticking to it. They hear camera flash and people talking to them it didn't take long for the paparazzi to show up as well. Shielding their face the three boys get into the car and look to the driver who pulls off.

Liam pulls out his phone and dials Louis. He picks up and it's a little loud in background.

"Hello?" Louis ask

"Hey Lou where are you and Harry? You guys left mid interview and we have to make up an excuse for you" Liam says wondering

"Sorry bro, that filthy stage head had his paws all over Harry and he was shaking so. I got him out of there and took him to get some food" Louis says back to Liam.

"Oh god, so that's why he was on the floor in the back..."Liam said trailing off.

"Yes, Harry was hungry so we stopped to get a bite. I don't know if Zayn is hungry or anything but we can bring him something" Louis ask Liam.

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