A woman woke up with a gasp. She was in an elevator type cage. It was going up at high speeds. She felt around, feeling a cold object cut into her forearm. She winced pulling her arm to her chest. Her lips felt dry. One thing was for certain she didn't remember anything, only her name Annie.

The elevator stopped harshly and a sound was heard. The doors above opened and she looked down, closing her eyes as the sun burned her eyes. She heard many footsteps and whispering voices.

A shadow blocked the sun. She slowly looked up to find a group of boys peering down at her from above.

"Is that a girl?" a chubby boy spoke. He had curly hair and looked very young.

"That's impossible," a Asian boy said raising an eyebrow.

Annie licked her lips. "Is anyone going to help me?" she asked showing them her bleeding arm.

"Hurry," a boy spoke as they dropped a ladder down. She stood up, walking to the ladder. A couple boys put their hands out to help her up using the ladder for her feet.

Two boys lead her to a shack. While walking there, she noticed the large walls. Four walls. With no exit. She entered the room to find a bed and medical things.

"Sit down," a boy with shaggy hair said as she took a sat on the bed. He grabbed some items. "What's your name?"

He poured something on the wound. It stung. "Annie," she answered.

"I'm sorry for everyone's reaction Annie. You are the first girl to arrive. I'm Newt," he replied, looking at the wound. "I have good news, you don't need stitches," he said giving her a small smile. He wrapped it with badge.

"Thank you," Annie replied as she stood from the bed.

"Alby is our leader, he wants to meet with you," Newt told her as he lead her out of the shack and met with a black coloured boy.

"I'm Alby, and you are?" he asked as Newt walked away.


"I don't have time to show you around but I'll have one of the boys do so," Alby said waving over someone. "Welcome to the Glade."

"Hey, I'm Chuck. I can't believe you're a girl! I'm your tour guide," he said excitedly.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Annie," she said as she followed him. He took her to the kitchen shack first.

"This is where we get our meals. This is Frypan, the best cook ever," Chuck introduced a dark coloured boy.

"You'll love my food," Frypan told her smiling as he was stiring pot on the fire.

Chuck showed her where she'd be sleeping which was a hammock next to everyone else. He showed her the bathroom shacks and the shower shacks, which was limited showers monthly for everyone. He showed her the meeting shack and a shack she wasn't allowed to enter which was for the runners.

"What's a runner?" Annie asked as they walked in the green field.

Instead of speaking, Chuck pointed towards two boys running out of a large opening, was it an exit? The runners ran by, giving her a odd look surprised to see a girl.

"Never go through those doors. Anyway I'll let you get settled," he said leaving her to catch up on all the new information she was given.

She walked over and sat down by a tree. She sighed.

"What are you doing?"

She jumped hearing a loud voice speak from beside her. She turned her head, standing up. "What do you mean?"

He chuckled darkly, pushing her against the tree. "Out of all these boys a girl shows up and you think I'm not the least suspicious?" he asked breathing on her face. His face was red.

"I can't remember anything alright," she said shoving him off her. Her arm stinging a bit.

He growled shoving her back causing her to trip on a root and fall backwards. The wind was knocked out of her.

"Hey! Gally leave her alone," a voice shouted as feet were heard running over.

"Something is going on and you all will see it when it's too late," the one he called Gally said before retreating.

"Hey are you okay?" a Asian boy asked her grabbing her by her good arm and hoisting her to her feet.

"Yeah just winded. What's his issue?" Annie asked dusting herself off.

"He is always crabby," Newt replied.

"I'll be placing a new rule to keep you safe. Anyone touches or hurts the girl will be sent past those gates and won't be coming back!" Alby shouted to everyone before leaving.

"I'm Minho," he said putting his hand out. She shakes it.

She nodded her head as everyone retreated from the area. She followed heading to her hammock to sit down.

Later that evening, she went to Frypan for dinner. It didn't look very appealing but it tasted good and her hungry was settled. After dinner, the boys started a fire and were drinking from bottles.

Annie was seated next to Newt who handed her the bottle. "Try it," he said as music was played.

She took a sip before spitting it out. "That's gross," she said tagging.

Newt laughed. "Greenie you'll get used to it, it's the best thing to drink around here," he told her patting her back.

She laughed looking up to see Gally challenging people to fight him. She followed Newt to join the circle that started as he kicked some boys ass in a match.

"Who's next?" Gally called out, raising his fits in the air.

Annie raised her hand. "Me," she spoke out. The crowd grew quiet before chanting her name.

Gally rolled his eyes. "Thought Albys new rule makes you untouchable," he spat out.

Annie stepped into the circle. "I'm saying you can," she said feeling an odd memory come back to her, boxing? How does she think she can beat this large boy.

"Fine, let's do this then but don't come crying when I win," he said raising his fists in a fighting pose.

Annie did the same and the match begun. She wasn't prepared and he punched her right in the cheek. She fell to the ground. She grabbed her cheek. Everyone booed.

She shook her head standing to her feet. Adrenaline filled her veins. He went for another punch but she dodged it, punching him in the stomach causing him to bend over. She raised her knee, knocking him in the face. She kicked him swiftly in the balls before punching him in the nose. He dropped to the floor holding his sack and the other holding his bleeding nose.

Everyone screamed her name. Clapping her on the back and shaking her hand.

"That was so cool!" Chuck told her.

Annie smiled but as she was walking away she heard a voice calling to her, "Greenie?"

She turned around to see Gally standing, wiping the blood from his nose.

"What was that? Don't come crying to me if I win?" she said taunting him. She smirked.

"I'm impressed," he said with small smile. Everyone began to tease him as his always mean usually.

Annie shook her head walking away. She decided she wanted to get some rest. Her first day was a lot to process.

You Are My Enemy [Gally]Where stories live. Discover now