Missions about Morocco, Avoiding friends and family

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A/N: 2 weeks went by and Cody was feeling better after the dentist appointment, he went out with his friends, Frankie and her friends they were at the park talking and joking around, that was until 2 people chose to surprise him, "so Cody what you gonna do after this" Alister asked,
"Duh know really" Cody said,
(Percilla's and her moms voice)⬇️

"Auntie Madeleine cousin Percilla
(Madeleine Pynch⬇️)

"Auntie Madeleine cousin Percilla (Madeleine Pynch⬇️)

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(Percilla Pynch⬇️)

what are guys doing here" Cody asked, "Your sensei wants You Percilla and Alfred" Madeleine said, "Cody!"?? "Sensei did you call here" he asked, "yeah we just need

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what are guys doing here" Cody asked, "Your sensei wants You Percilla and Alfred" Madeleine said, "Cody!"?? "Sensei did you call here" he asked, "yeah we just need..." "I'm here sorry I'm late" Alfred said,

"Hoy ustedes 3 van a ser una misión de nivel Alfa", "Estás seguro" "nos mientes antes" "tienes muchas esperanzas"
Cody Alfred and Percilla said,

"Sí, estoy seguro de que ustedes 3 están listos para esto y está en México 🇲🇽, Percilla eres el comunicador y navegante, Alfred eres el asesino y Cody es el espía para obtener la información del enemigo y detener el plan... Así que empaca tu ropa y otras cosas, nos divertiremos, pero también somos conscientes" she said,

"Y te prepararé gadgets y ropa con gadgets y nos vamos en 3 horas, así que será mejor que te pongas en marcha"Madeleine said "Y esta misión es sobre Marruecos, así que ten en cuenta quién podría pasar" and they left to get ready, Cody thinking of a lie to tell his family, after 3 hours they left.

—after the mission—

As the days went by Cody had no chose to avoid his friends and family for their safety, he made new enemies from those missions

and whenever he is needed for a mission he had to make up an excuse to leave, most of the missions were very difficult some others very simple, Cody's family, teachers and friends started to get worried,

Morocco made it harder for him, making death threats to him saying that he's going to destroy his bond with his family and friends, Cody avoided them whenever they asked questions on where he was going,

Cody was quiet as a mouse 🐁 when they asked, Cody did everything possible to avoid them, the only time he spoke to his Dad, 3 siblings and the bots was during rescue missions,

Cody is no longer in school his sensei took him out of school and told the Board of Education that is IQ is at infinity ♾️ they tested him just to be sure and he passed,

Cody still does missions with Percilla and Alfred, but he became depressed, stressed and suicidal, he did self harm when no one is around, he made sure no one knew his sad secret.

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