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taco sat in front of test tube, paintbrush, and microphone in ojs office.. Taco nervously tapped her foot. No one other than those 3, knife and oj had seen her still. When they came inside the hotel no one was in the lobby and was already getting ready for dinner or just doing there own things upstairs. Test tube was somewhat confused. Some of the contestants from season 1 had explained taco to her before, but she had no idea why she was here.

"So, what are you doing here at hotel oj?" She asked.

"I..." taco didn't know what to say. At this point mic wasn't in the game. And she had no clue when the next episode of season 2 was, and microphone wasnt in the game anymore so maybe she could say she was there.

"Ive been on the show grounds a few years now." She began, "I tried to manipulate someone into winning and splitting the prize money." Taco looked at Microphone, who was trying to avoid eye contact. " I failed at that and ive just... been here ever since. I hid in hotel oj because there was nowhere else to go." Taco sighed. 

Paintbrush slammed their hand on the table. "Wait a second, how long have you been here?" They asked. Taco shrugged. "Maybe a month or so? Ive lost count honestly." Paintbrush thought for a moment. Then looked at test rube and microphone. "Trophy was poisoned a month ago." Test tube looked at them. "And mepad was back like, 2 weeks after. Fan was gone the next day." 

The two looked at taco with harsh eyes. "Do you have anything to do with this?" They asked 

"No, i did it!" Microphone shouted. She knew she had to say something. "No, microphone, i did it, we all know i did. You dont have to stick up for me." 

Test tube stared at them. "Microphone, why are you trying to do this anyway?"  

Microphone looked at taco. "Go ahead and tell her." Taco said.

So, she did. Taco and microphone confessed everything. 

"and thats how the 3 of us got into this whole mess." Microphone finished. "Wow... thats... interesting." Paintbrush said. "You never mentioned who that 3rd person was though." 

As if on que, knofe walked in. "It was me." He said. Paintbrush and test tube stared in shock. They didn't really expect that from knife. "I hated it when trophy blackmailed me, so i never told anyone about them." He said. "It was pretty easy to figure out, im suprised you all missed it." He said as he stood by taco. "We'll be back in a minute with a reasonable punishment for you three." Test tube said as her and paintbrush left the room. 


YIPEEEEEE as promised, there's a new cover :D

I've also recently been working on another au called revenge. ( the title may change later but yeah) its also an ii au 

So yeah :D also this is the latest ive stayed up writing since summer break its like, 4 am rn

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