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Dear George,

It's been a couple months. I didn't really expect to see you at Niki's party today.

You've changed a lot since I last saw you. I didn't know you quit streaming until Wilbur told me a while ago. He told me you quit shortly after I left and didn't bother contacting me again because I told you not to.

I still remember writing my last letter like it was yesterday. I'm sorry if it sounded much more harsh than I intended it to be. My emotions were all over the place at that time and I just wanted to be alone. I know it was your passion to become a famous streamer and you had to quit because of me.

I noticed you grew your hair out. I thought you said you hated it because it kept getting to your face? The only real person actually enjoying your long hair was me anyways.

I want to ask, are you okay? I tried speaking to you but all I got were a couple nods and head shakes from you. Do you not talk about your passion as much anymore?

Honestly George, I still miss you. Niki has been telling me to ignore it and try to move on but I can't help but think of you every now and then. It went from thinking about you everyday to every week and now it's like a couple times a month. Even so, I can't stop thinking about what it could've been.

I'm not even sure if you're gonna read this letter considering our history but I really wanna try and get in contact with you again. You got a new number Wilbur told me. I didn't want to get it back because I thought you were moving on and I didn't want to be the annoying ex girlfriend.

I'm okay with you not talking to me if you don't want to. I'm not sure if Wil is lying to me or something but he said you haven't been dating anyone in a while so I don't think anyone would be bothered if we at least became friends.

Even if we argued on the last final days of our relationship, I still know there's that one really nice and pure guy inside of you that loves playing Minecraft and loves to dip apples in apple juice even if people are telling him it's the same thing. Do you still favor peach flavored iced tea? do you still believe in soulmates? do you still hate olives enough to just give them to me instead of eating them? I wanna get to know you again like nothing ever happened.

I still have the same number if you want to contact me. I unblocked your old number but I don't have your new number so just specify who you are if you want to talk.

Also I tried asking you at the party but I couldn't find you until the party ended.

Do you want to grab a coffee with me?

Sincerely yours, Adriana.

Dear George Where stories live. Discover now