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Dear George..

This is the first written letter I've ever sent you but expect a lot more. I know you gave me your number and all but I love writing and I found the perfect opportunity for it.

Hello! I hope you find time to read all of this or else I'm gonna be upset :') Anyways, you told me you liked reading so you can read this!

We've spoken a couple of times on little coffee dates and stuff and I don't know if it's all platonic (PLEASE GOD I HOPE ITS NOT) but I've grown very fond of you.

I wouldn't say really like but I'm interested in you and I hope to know more about you. Please don't be the type of guy to take a girl out on dates multiple times just to say you aren't interested.

Also, I hope you don't mind but I usually write letters if I have words I want to say but can't say them to you. You know I'm really more of the listener than the speaker because I'm so used to people talking over me and I found that letters deliver my full message before anyone could speak.

Maybe you can use these letters as a remembrance of the early stages of our friendship! I love somehow explaining the day I had through letters even if we talked about it before. It's just that letters have more things to say and I'm able to describe my day much more broadly than through words.

To basically sum up everything, I like you. It's eating me inside and sometimes words can't describe how you make me feel. We have a lot in common and I remember you even joking about finding your long lost twin or something when we met. I mean it's kinda a bad thing that you think we're related considering we keep going out but I'm taking it as a compliment to be compared to you.

I really wanna continue going out with you even if it's just simple coffee dates every now and then. Although I don't know why we both keep going on coffee dates when we both don't like coffee. Or tea which is ironic since we're both English.

It's weird because I never expected to just randomly bump into someone at the store and then all of a sudden go on multiple dates with them like we've known each other for a while. Can I call a month of speaking a while? Our meeting is still a fresh memory in mind.

You don't have to send a letter back, just text me anything you want to say. It's your choice though. I just love writing which is why I'm sending this to your address and hopefully it doesn't arrive late.

Anywho I got college tomorrow so I gotta go to bed.

Hope we can maybe grab a coffee this Friday or maybe change the location because none of us like hot drinks anyways. Your call, I'll wait for your text :)

Love Adriana <3

Dear George Where stories live. Discover now