[1] {A Beautiful Meeting. An Eclipse}

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Panting.... Running... Gasping... Huffing... Run, run and run as fast as you can. Do not look back.

The sound of rushing footsteps ran through the woods, the sound of panting can be heard plainly. Big and hard thumps of running can be also heard... A big figure chasing a smaller figure throughout the woods. The moon so bright and clear, making way for them to see their paths.

The trees seem to be making way to them, the path getting narrow and narrow, the path clearing and leading to an open field.

'This is it!! I'm out!! The exit to this hell hole!!' The smaller figure smirked, his eyes widen in hope, sweat running down his forehead and into the wind.

Running closer and closer to the exit of the woods, he tripped and fell.

Oh what luck.

'Oh no... No... I'm close... I'm almost there!! I can still live!!"

A hard "Thump" was heard behind him. He shivered, his body freezing in place, slowly looking behind him,

His face of hope shattered, turning into an expression of terror and fear.

"No.. No... Please, don't kill me.. I was forced to do this!! Please-!!" The small figure begged, turning around and facing the beast in front of him,

Crawling back, slowly and steadily. The big figure in front of him growled. Bearing it's razor sharp fangs, glaring at him with anger and disgust. The creature didn't like him one bit, it stomped forward, making the small figure yelp.

⚠Gore Scene/ Description, do not proceed if uncomfortable⚠

[there are some key parts that is important to the story later on, but read or skip. Not my fault]

The creature launched itself into its prey, landing on the persons arms and feet.

Splattering blood everywhere, bones cracking, ear splitting scream filled the air, the ones peaceful cold night, turned into a very eerie and even scarier night...

The screams of pain didn't stop, the creature gnawed it's fangs and buried them into the flesh of the persons body, tears leaking from the persons eyes, his mouth open wide and there escaped the ear splitting scream.

Blood gushed out, staining the creatures magnificent and elegant white gem fur,

The creature ripped apart the persons elbow from its body. Blood spilled endlessly, the ground forming a puddle of blood.

Sounds of meat and bones, the splashing of blood. Can be heard... The sound of it gives you chills.

The person was still alive, trying to struggle out of the creatures grip.

Their hands and their feet, were brutally crushed, the bones spiking out of some of here and there directions, flesh parts of the persons feet and arms were scattered.

The persons torso can be seen but vaguely, blood covered the good looking robes, a lot of bones and flesh were spread... The person screaming in agony stopped.

The creature bit the persons head off, leaving the neck and upper torso to the chest. Blood oozing out like a fountain, the neck bone can be seen clearly. Some nerves can also be seen.

A gruesome sight, but the creature didn't care. As long as they got their food, they won't stop until they do. Once you spot your prey, attack, do not wait too long. Or you'll miss the chance.

Eating the dead persons body almost cured the hunger of the creature, but he needed more.

His greediness took over, munching on the flesh like the beast it was. Savoring evey flavor, the hunger it was feeling was almost satisfied but something stopped it from doing so.

It felt a sharp pain on its shoulder, looking behind him glaring, it saw more food came to his doorstep.

It was delighted, but at the same time pissed, he didn't get to finish his current meal yet but he is already served seconds and a dessert.

The creature sighed, but that sounded like a low roar to them. Shivering, the person near the creature yelled at his teammates to open fire, launching spiritual fire balls at it.

Though, the way they cultivated it was low and lame, it managed to keep it distracted, and the creature turned away from the meal it was eating.

As it turned around, it left the disgusting, gruesome sight of the body behind it. The body was spread, lumps of meat, bones and organs scattered. Blood spilled everywhere, a puddle beneath the body entirely made up of the blood that came gushing out as the creature ate it.

It made the stomachs of the people before it turn, they were disgusted. The body of their teammate was sprawled on the ground.

Oh my god...


Heyo, Merry Christmas.

Should I continue this story or not?

Have a great day

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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