The curse

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Ecko. My name is Ecko and I am going to tell you the story of my life and the people that I wound up loving like family. And the people the turned into my family.

It all started when I was young. I'm a tribrid, my mother was a elleth mixed with a very strong dragon and my father was a demon. I was not welcomed in many places because of the evil deeds my father had done. My mother's brother is Smaug the terrible but, I hope to turn out a little like my mother. My mother is, was an amazing woman. I should have mentioned that my parents are dead. From what I know at least. They got killed by stupid humans from the village. I live close to the lonely mountain in Esgaroth, the same village where my parents were killed. I used to live in Rivendell but something happened. Lord Elrond was very kind to me along with his daughter, Arwen. I had to leave for reason. This is where my story begins. Many years later, I finally found a wonderful family and I know where I belong now.

When I was young, before my parents unfortunate ending, this strange woman came to my home on the edge of the forest. She came asking for food so I gave her a few of the muffins my mother had made. I don't know where I messed up but I woke up the next morning covered in blood and screaming. I don't know what had happened until I saw her mangled body. My father was away. Had been since I was born. All of her vital organs were displayed all over the room, her pale blue eyes were thrown across the room, her faces bashed in, and most of her bones broken to the extent of seeing them jut out of her poor, mangled body. I will discover eventually that it was the curse the wretched witch placed upon me.

I don't know what happened but I still ran, tears clouding my vision until I could see, nothing. I run until I get to my best friend's house. His name is Polodren meaning strong in elvish. I got to his house and rapped on the door. He came to the door and poked his head out, saw me sobbing and came out hastily to comfort me. I explained to him what happened and I could tell he was wary. He didn't trust me anymore.... Once I saw the distrust in his eyes I sprinted away bawling some more.

I ran until I didn't know where I was and I eventually stopped. Stopped crying, stopped running, and stopped feeling. I couldn't feel anything. My parents were dead and my first and only friend didn't trust me anymore. I don't quite understand what happens but I started walking. I wasn't cold. I wasn't tired. I wasn't hungry. I wasn't anything. I eventually stop when the trees seem to be growing larger and healthier. I keep walking but I can't remember anything that happened before I was pulled into a rock hill by some scraggly haired monster. I eventually got enough courage to ask it who, or more like what, it was. I never got an answer. So I ran. I ran like my life depended on it because for all I knew, it did. I didn't know where I was but the trees got more rotten, old, dead, and overall not looking good at all.

I wasn't sure if that thing was chasing me or not but I kept running until I couldn't run anymore, then I climbed one of the dead trees. It was rotten at the bottom so it was going to fall over with more weight than me.

Once I couldn't hear anything or see anything I jumped off the tree. Before I could land though, I was gliding down more than falling, and it hurt. A lot. I look back and notice bones with a thin layer of muscle surrounding it and I almost scream but I stay quiet, because I don't want to get caught. When I make it to the ground I stretch out the bloody appendages on my back and look upon the multitude of holes already in them. Those are wings!?! Why do I have wings on my back!? When those thoughts ran through my head I came to the conclusion that this must be what my father was talking about when he said, " when you're older you're going to be just like me"

I guess father had wings. I continued to walk but I was stopped by a sudden sharp pain in my stomach and a low grumble. I was starving. I knew I wouldn't find anything in these woods so I attempted to find a way out by finding the tallest tree I could find and climbing it. My head had begun hurting and I didn't know what was happening. Once I had climbed the tree I could see some healthier looking trees in the distance. I climbed down and began walking towards them.

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