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It surprised you that Starscream actually agreed to stay with you tonight. You could only hope he wouldn't get in more trouble when he got back to the Nemesis, you'd honestly rather he didn't go back at all but you doubt bucket-head would allow that.

You sigh and finish putting on your nightshirt in your bathroom. You stare at yourself in the mirror, slowly running your fingers through your hair. Why are you nervous? You're just letting him rest at your place, you're not even gonna sleep in the same room since there's not really much space on your bed for you both... Would he even want your bed? How the fuck to Cybertronians even sleep? Or recharge?

Whatever, you can't stall forever. One final sigh and you exit your bathroom. Starscream was up and looking at various things in your room, currently examining a photo on your wall. Starscream looked at it with what can only be described as fondness. In the picture you stood with three children that he recognized, the very same kids that were with the autobots. The ones that you had sacrificed yourself to protect the day he brought you to the Nemesis. The autobots had taken the children in, becoming their guardians and forming deep friendships.

An uncomfortable pang of jealousy hit him. They always looked so happy. They cared for each other greatly. It's not something he wanted to admit to himself, but the thought of a team- no, a family was something he longed for. Oh how he missed his Trine brothers. The only silver lining from their untimely demise was that they didn't have to see the fall of their planet. It had been so long already, but the pain of their loss still felt like a fresh wound whenever he thought of them.

You watched Starscream stare at the photo, his wings had dropped behind him, the fond look in his face was replaced with grief. You stepped a bit closer and looked at the photo, yours, Miko's, Jack's, and Raf's smiling faces stared back at you. You glanced back at Starscream for a moment before clearing your throat softly. "We took this photo not that long ago, I had recently gotten a new camera and Miko insisted on taking photos with it." A warm smile spread on your lips as you recalled the memory. Starscream moved his gaze from the picture down to you. "You four are... close?" He was hesitant. You nod and smile at him. He glanced away for a moment. "How um... Did you meet them?"

You chuckled softly. "I actually knew all of them separately before they met each other. I babysit for Rafs' parents sometimes. I met Jack at his work once and we got along super well, we just bitched about our jobs for an hour. And I nearly ran Miko over with my car once and I've never been able to shake her since." You laugh at the memory, Starscream's lips twitch upwards as he watched you.

You stop laughing after a moment, face falling slightly. Your eyes meet his and you chew on your lip nervously for a moment, debating whether or not to ask the question on your mind.

"I'm sorry if it's rude of me to ask, I know it's not really any of my business but..." You take a deep breath and continue. "It's just the way you looked at the picture, it's like you were recalling someone... Is there anyone you're close with?"

Starscream falters for a moment. "On the Nemesis? No. I rant to Knockout occasionally but I wouldn't say I have any... Strong connections. But..." He gets a far away look. "Back on Cybertron I had two younger brothers, they were killed early on in the war. They were the closest people to me."

Starscream broke your heart for the second time that night.

"I'm so sorry..." You whisper out. Starscream shakes his head and glances back at the photo. "It was a long time ago. I've moved on, but I still think about them from time to time."

You nod slowly. "What were their names?"
"Thundercracker and Skywarp."
You crack a small smile. "Those are kickass names."

Starscream lets out a bark of laughter. "If only they could hear that. I have a feeling they would have liked you, especially with how snarky you are." You laugh and send a smirk at him. "Did they enjoy annoying you as much as I do?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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