Chapter Two - Do You Want to Play Twenty Questions?

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The woman in question sat there in the interrogation room staring blankly at the door. Her posture was with her back leaning against the chair and her arms folded over her chest. She did not have time to change or anything either. We had taken her straight to the police station, she came willingly, and without handcuffs. This woman wanted to prove her innocence. I was watching her through the mirrored glass on the opposite side. She did not make a move, but at some point I thought she might have looked bored. To my surprise her face was without any emotion. I thought at first that she might be a psychopath. My other thought might be that she was a sociopath.

               I gathered my paperwork, walked out, and headed straight into the interrogation room. I sat in the empty chair across from the suspect. I then started reading the case file from a tan folder. The suspect, the young woman, was caught at the crime scene and feigned innocence. I scratched at my chin wondering when was the last time I shaved? She watched me inquisitively with no expression on her face. Was she a sociopath? She was still sitting back in her chair calmly with her arms folded over her chest and she had not made one move since she sat down. I decided to make my move and ask the first question. "What is your name? You didn't have any ID on you. You do realize that makes you even more suspicious?"

               Without missing a beat she tells me her name. "Kaireyven. My name is Kaireyven, but people tend to just shorten it to Kai for whatever reason."

               "Is there a last name...?" I raised a brow.


               She looked very bored at that point and maybe a bit cross. I couldn't read her and I've made a career out of reading people. I know people, I really do, but this one is...difficult. A challenge it is. I slightly smirked and took a breath. "So, miss Yake..."

               "Kai...just Kai. None of that miss stuff." She interrupts me and looks off to the side.

               "Right...Kai." I paused for a moment before continuing on. "Your last name you said is Yakedo? Are you, by any chance, related to Akio Yakedo who is the head of the Yakedo Tech Burst Company?" The Yakedo Tech Burst Company is a world wide technology and bio-science company. The surname isn't common in Japan so I had to ask.

               Kai turned her head to look at me. "Not exactly."

               "What is that supposed to mean? Are you adopted or something?"

               "Well, I'm like the stray cat that they never wanted in the family."

               "Huh?" I raised a brow at her.

               She sat up straight, put her palms on the table, and looked at me with such an intensity that you would think we were in some drama movie at a pivotal plot point. "Let's just put it this way...I wander around a lot, on occasion I go home for a little bit, then things start getting uncomfortable or insults are hurled at me, that's when they throw money at it, and then I go away wandering around. Before you ask if I extort money from them...I don't. I never ask, nor will I ever ask the family for money. Sometimes, they like to just throw money at certain problems to make them go away. In this case, the problem that is, is that I am the problem."

               She leaned back again in her chair and put on a bored look on her face. I shuffled through the paperwork and cleared my throat before speaking again. "Did you know the victim? The victim whose name is Mr. Declan Kelly."

               She hesitated for a moment and looked off to the side before speaking softly, "Yeah, I knew him."

               "What is your relation to Mr. Kelly?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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