The Plan

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The night came and went as the bar slowly emptied. Dawn was approaching as Alexis and Draco finished up their conversation. Alexis watched as he finished the bottle of gin, drinking up every last sip. His eyes glazed over. Alexis noticed how painful it was for him to speak of his past and of his father. 

"You've told me a lot," Alexis said. "But you haven't told me where your father is now." 

Draco's face was stoic as he stared at the empty bottle in front of him. "I don't know where he is now. He was in Paris last then I lost contact with him." 

Alexis was quiet for a long time, trying to read his face. "Are you telling me the truth?" 

"'Course," Draco answered. "I have no reason to lie." The silence stretched out once more. "Are you going to kill him?" 

Alexis glanced at Draco, noticed the fear in his drunken expression. "Could you live with yourself if I said yes?" 

Draco dropped his head in his hand and closed his eyes tightly. "It'll be my fault he's dead." 

"I would have found him whether you talked to me or not." 

"Then why was it so important you talk to me first?" 

"Because," Alexis paused, thinking about her answer, "I wanted to know what kind of man he is." 

Draco turned his head to look at her, eyes squinting. "Why?" 

"So I could have a bit of fun before killing him." 

Draco covered his face with his hands before allowing his arms to drop. "I held up my end of the bargain, now it's your turn." 

"Come." Alexis stood. 

She walked to Demetri who was still sitting at his table, tired but alert. He eyed Alexis then turned his gaze on Draco who lingered behind. 

"Draco," Alexis said, "this is Demetri. He's the one who will find you a job at the Ministry and a place to stay." 

"I will?" Demetri asked, a hint of annoyance in his tone. 

"If you have any concerns, just contact Demetri." Alexis turned to leave. 

Demetri reached into his coat pocket and withdrew a business card. He handed it to Draco. "Clean yourself up then we'll talk." 

Demetri chased after Alexis, catching up to her in the deserted street. "Why am I helping him find a job?" 

"It's not important," Alexis said, keeping a quick pace. "We need to buy a map." 

Later that day, an exhausted Demetri sat on the couch while Alexis stood by a map of Europe she pinned to their living room wall. There were bright red thumbtacks placed strategically in the map.

"I still don't understand why we're doing this," Demetri complained. 

"Don't you see it?" Alexis asked, gaze fixated on the map. "There's a pattern of where he hides." 

"Can you elaborate?" 

"They've been going in a circle for the last 3 years," Alexis said eagerly. "His next stop is London, or somewhere near London."

"London is huge," Demetri said, stifling a yawn. 

"Do you think all Draco and I talked about was locations?" Alexis asked sarcastically. 

"I don't know what you two talked about because you won't tell me," Demetri retorted. 

"They're getting help from someone at the Ministry." Alexis turned to look at Demetri. "Someone who's close to the Minister himself. Draco said his dad never mentioned a name. Any idea who it could be?" 

Demetri thought for a moment. "A few people come to mind, but-"

"Great. So you can start there. Infiltrate their minds, do whatever you need to do to find out." 

"It's not my department-" 

"Find a reason to be there." Alexis turned back to the map. "I bet they'll be providing the Malfoys a place to stay while they're here." 

Demetri leaned his head back, closing his eyes. "Great, then you'll kill him and this can all be over with." 

"About that-" 

"Oh, for fuck's sake, Lex." Demetri's eyes shot open. "What?" 

"Since this is our last kill before you retire, why don't we make it more interesting?" 

"What the hell are you talking about?" 

"I think we should really torture him." 

"Lex, if you're cutting off more fingers, count me out." Demetri closed his eyes again. 

"Not physically." She was silent for a moment. "Emotionally." 

His eyes opened slightly to glance at her. "Emotionally? How?" he asked slowly. 

Alexis sat on the coffee table, facing Demetri. "I'm not sure. Draco told me a lot about his dad. How he wasn't faithful in his marriage, how he was a shit father, and how all he cared about was his image and serving Voldemort. It doesn't seem like this man has much of a heart. But I'm sure there's a heart in there and I want to destroy it before we kill him." 

"That's pretty fucked up, Lex. Even for you," Demetri said thoughtfully.

"I don't hear you opposing," Alexis said.

"Oh, I oppose," Demetri replied. "I oppose 100%. But I know you and you're going to do what you want."  

"Great, it's settled." Alexis clapped her hands together. "We cause psychological trauma before killing him. But how?" 

They stayed silent for a few moments. 

"You said he was unfaithful in his marriage?" Demetri asked suddenly. 


"Did he love someone else?" 

"From what Draco said, they were just flings." Alexis looked passed Demetri, thinking hard. "I don't know whether he's ever felt love." 

"Lex, what if you make him fall in love with you?" 

"What?" Alexis exclaimed loudly.

"Yeah, what if he falls in love with you then you break his heart?" Demetri's eyes lit up.

"That's really the best we can come up with?" Alexis furrowed her brows. 

"When you really love someone and they don't love you back, it feels like the world is collapsing, Lex." Demetri looked down at his hands. "It's the worst pain." 

Alexis bit her lip. She knew he spoke from experience but didn't want to re-open those old wounds. "I guess I wouldn't know." 

"You've never loved?" 

"I've loved but it's never been unrequited." She pursed her lips. "I'm not sure about this. Lucius Malfoy seems so cold and unloving. How am I expected to make him fall in love with me?" 

"Lex, believe it or not, you're hot," Demetri said and Alexis lowered her face to hide her blush. "Also, you know a lot about the guy now. I'm sure you know what he likes and doesn't like. And if you don't, I'm sure you can figure it out." 

"I don't know..." 

"Think about it, Lex. This is a great plan. And if it fails, then it fails. No harm done." 

Alexis pondered over the idea momentarily. "I guess it could work." 

Demetri smiled. "I'll help in whatever way I can." 

"You can help by finding out which Ministry worker is helping him. Which reminds me, aren't you supposed to be at work?"  

"Fuck," Demetri cursed, standing quickly. "I'm late." 

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