Chapter 2

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⚠️TW: drugs, smoking, alcohol

Sirius watched the Slytherin table like a hawk. He glared at those Slytherins and kept searching for Regulus. When he finally caught sight of him, he was smiling and laughing with his friends. Others would think it was a normal day but Sirius knew.

He saw Reg's little tells. He saw how his eyes flickered every now and again. He saw how he drummed his fingers on the wooden table. He saw how his leg bounced up and down.

Regulus and his friends had stood from the Slytherin table, Snivellus and his gang grinning and following after them. Sirius jumped up from the Gryffindor table, rushing to see if Regulus was okay.

Snivellus whispered something in Regulus' ear, Dorcas, Pandora, Barty and Evan being held back by the slimy slugs dressed in Slytherin robes. Sirius was about to hex Snivellus balls off for even thinking about coming that close to Regulus but his brother beat him to it.

Regulus' knee flew up and Snivellus collapsed as if he was one of those foldable beach chairs. He sure was built like one, maybe he actually is one but he's in a human disguise. Regulus wrapped his hands around Snivellus' neck and suu hi iced him against the wall.

"If you even think about any one of them, you'll regret being born. And you should wash your greasy hair, it looks like you want your hair to get so bad you have to go bald because you didn't wash it since you came tumbling out your mums vagina."

Regulus stalked off, bringing his friends with him and leaving Snivellus and his gang on the floor. Sirius ran after Regulus.

"Reg! Wait!"

Regulus span around, wand raised. "What?"

"Ça va?" (Are you okay?)

"Oui. Ca va bien." (Yes. I'm okay.)

It became a regular occurrence for the two brothers to communicate in French, everyone around them thinking they were fighting, seeing as they spat the words with loathing. Obviously, they were asking about each other's well being. Regulus had come to know about Sirius' massive crush on Remus. He was happy for him.

Sirius came over to Regulus the moment he entered the Great Hall, dragging him over to Gryffindor table, Regulus complaining the whole way there.

"Why am I here?" Regulus grumbled, arms crossed like a child.

"Because I said so. Deal with it." Sirius said through a mouthful of food.

"I'll deal with it when you deal with all your mental illnesses."

"You're joining me in therapy. See you there, mommy and daddy issues."

"B*tch, we have the same parents?"

"Speaking of, how are you?"

"That literally had nothing to do with our parents. You're actually brain dead."

"And you're a teachers pet."

"You look like a f*ck*ng drowned chihuahua, you can't talk."

Sirius clutched frantically at his chest. "You did not just say that to me."

Regulus seemed bored, "Oh, I think I did."

Peter looked up from his plate, brows furrowed, "Why is Regulus here? I thought you guys hated each other?"

Remus sighed, "No one f*ck*ng knows at this point, Pete."

"Reg, why haven't you eaten anything yet?" James questioned.

"I'm not hungry. And don't call me that!" Regulus rolled his eyes.

"Okay, sunshine. You still need to eat."

Regulus slammed his head down onto the table and groaned. "Kill me now."

"Mental illnesses are b*tch*s."

Regulus lifted a middle finger at Sirius. "Happy Easter, its your gift."

"It's not Easter?"

"What is Easter?"

"Ok Merlin's Grandmothers left tit, you're all such f*ck*ng pure bloods!"

Before they could continue their lovely conversation about Easter and family trauma, the girls slid down the bench.

Mary snuck a piece of chicken from Sirius' plate, "So why is Baby Black here?"

"Yeah, we're kinda confused about that." Lily said, brushing a piece of vibrant red hair behind her ear.

"Is he fun?" Marlene asked, leaning dangerously close to falling off the bench.

"You need to go f*ck Dorcas and I'm gonna go get high, drunk off vodka and snort some cocaine. Bye." Regulus stood, bringing a cigarette from his pocket.

"He is fun!"

James sighed and looked straight at Sirius, "Siri, I wanna f*ck your brother."

"Oh, really?"

"James. Honey. You were eye-f*ck*ng him ever since he sat down. I think we know."

James pouted. "Don't be such bully's."

"Why are you friends with us? I literally bully you guys for fun." Remus said.

I don't speak French so if you could, please correct me! Also I literally only had an idea for the first chapter so tell me in which direction you want this book to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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