Chapter 5: The Fabulous Hudson Hornet

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As I walked toward the clinic of Doc Hudson, I began to ask myself what to say to him. Not only do I thank him for the room and the successful case but I also tell him and others about the condition I suffer from. As I was nearing closer I began to think both other important stuff in my life. Since I didn't have my stuff, how would I take care of my racing trophies back at home? Not only trophies but also medals I have. Yes, I managed to win a gold and a bronze but never a silver as I have tried to. I honestly felt like a failure, but my friends and parents assured me it was alright to lose. Winning is not important. That's the most important lesson that I will remember from my parents as they're sadly dead. Not only medals and trophies but human food as well. Did the cars eat? They're alive here in this dimension. I have to talk to Doc about this. He's like the boss in town since he's the judge and also a doctor.

I knocked on the door and entered the clinic, seeing Doc checking the documents on the table before turning to face me. He was waiting.

I quickly realized it and began to speak. "Hello, Doc. I came here just to thank you for the successful case and for letting me stay here in Radiator Springs. If I was to send away then I don't know what to do. I also like to talk to you about two important stuff."

"And what may that be?" He raised his eyebrow.

I cleared my throat. "It's about food and my condition. First of all, I am a human and I need basic things to survive. One of them is food. How will you arrange food for me to survive? Also, do you have a car wash here in town?"

Doc then turned to fully face me. "Yes, we have a car wash at Ramone's place. You can ask him there to use the car wash to wash. I will arrange for the food. Do not worry." He then looked interested. "What about the condition?"

I then fully explained the story to him, how I was diagnosed ever since as a baby with that disease that made me look younger instead of looking like a 60-year-old woman. I then also explained to him a few stories about people who mistook me as a younger person and how this made me angry to suffer from the condition.

Doc looked rather very understanding than disgusted. even though he didn't have the disease, he was a doctor and a judge that wanted to help others instead of being recognized by others. While he was told that his story was over, he moved out of town and stumbled upon Radiator Springs. to this day, he rather still be hidden but all will change in the future...

Doc drove closer but kept a between us distance so that we could make eye contact. "I'm glad you told me about your condition, Y/N. It means that you trust me. I promise to inform others here in Radiator Springs about your condition. How is your back doing?"

"Oh! It's doing better, Doc."

"Good, but remember to keep catching rest for your back."


As I left the clinic I decided to explore more of the city where I live now. I saw the front buildings but never liked the sides of them or behind the buildings. I learned as a kid that I might come across interesting stuff maybe that I can find. Doc also already informed others of my condition and they felt sorry for me but I told them that it was ok. I won't die anyway... yet. I felt already old but I will try my best to catch life moments together with others, maybe even with Doc since he was perhaps around my age.

As I looked further into the city, I explored the other sides of the buildings. I found nothing. I was not disappointed. I was not a kid anymore and usually, you don't find anything interesting what's behind the buildings. It could be trashcans or these entries that led you into the basement. I forgot the name of it.

As I passed others and waved at them, I found a rather old garage. It was old and woody but it mostly said 'DO NOT ENTER'. Something told me to look inside and when I touched the door, it felt right as if it was waiting for me. I slowly opened the doors, causing it to let out shrieks silently but it then stopped as I fully opened the doors to let sunlight in. I was caught off guard. I entered the place and it looked very interesting. That's when something gold caught my attention. It was a trophy that said a Piston Cup. So, that's what a trophy looks like here in this dimension but when I took it into my hands, I realized it was a trophy of racing! I immediately wanted to know who lives here but my answer found me.

"What are you doing here?"

I gasped and turned to face the voice. It was Doc himself and boy, he was not happy. I immediately set the Piston Cup back into its place before facing Doc. But before I could explain, he ordered me to get out. I did what I was told. I looked at Doc with an impressed look on my face. "You were once a racer? How many times did you win?"

Doc didn't look happy to respond. "Three times. Now go back to others and do not enter here again!"

I immediately went off towards my cone room. I was shocked by what Doc did. He never raised his voice at anyone nor did I see him doing that to others. Why was he angry? Because I discovered his secret. His biggest secret.

Human Racer (Doc Hudson x Human! Racer! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now