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You dream of her at night, delicate skin hinted with the obscure fragrance of incense and jasmine. She looks ethereal beneath you but the hand you've pressed to her throat grows tighter with each passing second; the redness of her cheeks becoming a deep violet.

You away satisfied, your mind now at ease as she slumped beneath your weight. The girl began to feel the beauty slip away, the blood draining from her lips as they took on a shade of deep indigo. Her should cried out in anguish, the sound echoing within the dark crevices of your skull, causing you to jolt awake.

Your dull eyes open groggily, relieved that the pained screams had left your subconscious. But something was wrong.

The pain from within your mind was now coursing to the rest of your body. You find that you cannot move.

Yet, there she was, hovering above you with a pure look of malice. She looks as beautiful as the day you killed her but now her beauty only brought you fear.

She wasn't real, you knew that she wasn't. But the cold kiss she firmly pressed to your forehead, trailed a shiver down your spine.

For she is but a daemon in your sleep paralysis.

- anger! anger! anger! anger!

AN ODE TO MANWhere stories live. Discover now