Seas and Oceans

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The Queen of Sirens from the Ocean swam back to her palace, satisifed after a big win from gambling with Kaede Manyuda.

As she entered her chambers, her blue eyes softened as her lips curled up in a tender smile.

Her wife, the Queen of Mermaids from the Seas was sleeping, her head on her work desk.

"Sayaka," Kirari whispered as she carried her wife and laid her on their bed.

Her wife's eyelids fluttered open, revealing gorgeous violet orbs.

Brilliant blue orbs gazed at her from above.

Sayaka blushed a deep red.

"K-Kirari?!" she squeaked. Her wife shifted to lie down beside her, Sayaka's back facing her.

Kirari' wrapped her arms protectively around Sayaka's abdomen, which was slightly swollen.

"You're so cute when you're surpised," Kirari chuckled. "I've also noticed that you've been overworking yourself. You should be resting, especially since you're carrying my heirs."

Sayaka hummed, turning to face her wife and burying her head in her shoulder.

Heirs. Twin girls. They had used their magic to see what their children would look like.

One had Kirari's hair colour and Sayaka's violet eyes, while the other had Sayaka's hair colour and Kirari's blue eyes.

They had decided to name the child with violet eyes Sayuri, and the one with blue eyes, Sayori.

"You should sleep," the Siren Queen said, stroking her wife's hair as she placed a sleeping spell on her, lulling her to sleep.

Sayaka's eyelids fluttered shut and she started to snore lightly, her abdomen glowing blue and violet slightly before the light faded away.

*For those who have read my prev. work, this is a HUGE spoiler about how Kirasaya's children will look like:) I actually made up their names and eye and hair colours by myself; and actually saw someone who illustrated it in Tumblr:0, but the person hasn't named them yet. For the artwork, the child with blue eyes is older, compared to mine. When I saw the artwork, I was shocked to see that my ideas were vv similar to his/hers! For example, Sayori has Kirari's personality, while Sayuri has Sayaka's personality!:)

This is part of my work on ao3:

Kirasaya One-Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن