Once Professor Dumbledore had finished speaking, he took his seat once more, watching intently as the older woman from before—whose name I still didn't know—stepped forward again.

Unfurling the parchment in her hand, she announces, "When I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses."

"Hermione Granger," the professor announced.

I immediately looked over to Hermione, noting that she was totally freaking out. "Oh, no. Okay, relax," she whispered to herself, shuffling her feet until she made it to the base of the steps.
I heard Ron mutter something to Harry about someone being mental, but I wasn't paying too much attention.

I felt a wave of nervousness come over me. Instinctively, I dug my nails into the palms of my hands, clenching tight enough to leave marks. The dull pain immediately ebbed away the pit in my stomach. And as quickly as the anxiousness appeared, it was gone.
A cool sensation washes over me, relaxing my muscles and evening my breath. I feel calm.

Peering over at Ashley, I could not say the same for her. She stood looking just as nervous as I had moments ago, twiddling her thumbs anxiously—borderline shaking like a leaf. In an attempt to calm her, I reach out, entertaining our hands and giving it a reassuring squeeze. As quickly as I had, I feel her calm.

Next thing I know, I hear the word, "GRYFFINDOR!!" and then a loud chorus of cheers and applause from the table to my right.
Gryffindor, I suppose.
Encouraged by the warm welcome, Hermione hops off the stool with a beaming smile, cheerfully skipping to an empty spot at the Gryffindor table next to a pair of ginger twins, who I learned was Ron's older brothers, Fred and George.

"Draco Malfoy," The professor calls next. I watched curiously as Draco saunters confidently up the three steps, turns and seats himself on the stool. The sorting hat barely touches him, merely hovering above the crown of his head before it belts, "SLYTHERIN!!"

I briefly remember him mentioning that he'd be sorted into Slytherin house when we spoke outside of Madam Malkin's. I guess he'd gotten that much correct.

Smirking proudly, Draco stands, sending me what looked like a playful wink before sauntering off toward the Slytherin table on the far left.
My eyes absentmindedly follow him as he makes his way there, and even when he's sitting, my gaze still lingers.

Something about him—about his aura pricked at the hairs on the back of my neck. A sensation I normally associated with dark magic. Magic I'd only seen the Sakamaki's use before.

Sensing my gaze, Draco turns his head, meeting my eyes. I offer him a fake smile out of habit, luckily he doesn't pick up on its falseness. Draco's mouth switches upward, returning the smile with ease.

My senses must be out of wack because the longer I stand here, the more I realize that the dark aura I'm feeling isn't coming off of the young Slytherin. Not entirely, anyway. Someone like Draco wasn't capable of emanating that sort of darkness. No. Something or rather someone else in this room was the source of the odd sensation.

The only thing that I was certain radiated darkness like that was me. A vampire.

Could there be another vampire here?

No. That wasn't possible. I was already an anomaly at this school, there couldn't be two of us. And if that were the case, I'd have to keep my guard up because surely I was being tested.

"Are you alright? You look pale," A soft voice whispers to my right.
I turn toward Harry and offer him an entirely more convincing smile, half-heartedly chuckling, "I'm fine."
It wasn't entirely a lie. I was always pale, perhaps more so in this lighting. He must've noticed my far-off expression and thought I was feeling ill.
Not a bad observation, although I could see it becoming annoying in the future should I grow tired of answering the repetitive question.

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