Chapter 5

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"Yeah he's really gay" Chaeyoung shakes her head while eating dinner.

Mina who sits in front of her at the table could only defend Minseok.

"He's not! He's sincere that's all and at least he gave me a compliment I would've been depressed if he instantly fell for me just because I had a makeover." she stab the meat imagining it was Chaeyoung.

After today's makeover Mina feel like the gap between her and Minseok shortened. For once their relationship was starting to move forward.

A deep groan left the blonde's lips, Mina was really naive she was whipped.

"Sincere? compliment? riiight~ So he tells you you look young, fresh and beautiful yet rejects your invitation to a date that's really something a guy would do I'm guessing this guy never even touched a woman!" Chaeyoung snorts

Mina could only shoot her a glare. "You're a prostitute that's why you think that way. Minseok is modest and looks for a kind heart however you on the other hand" she sneers at Chaeyoung "you only look for someone with sex appeal and money."

Chaeyoung laugh, stomping her foot on the ground "So what you're saying is that you don't have a kind heart that's why he isn't looking your way. Well I recall earlier your Minseok said you gave him a loan, guess I'm not the only one interested in money."

"Minseok has his reasons! Besides he said he'd pay me back." Mina reasons

"Are you judging me now? You saying I don't have my reasons?" Chaeyoung slam her fist on the table causing Mina to jump a bit.

She took a while to respond, she wasn't sure if it'd be wise to say something about Chaeyoung prostituting.

The blonde was her only hope to make Minseok fall in love with her.

Chaeyoung was a stranger if she wanted to, she could do something to her.

"Forget it..." Mina mumbles standing up to leave the table

"No tell me. I want to hear what you have to say." Chaeyoung stands up, walking up behind Mina and grabbing her tense shoulders, whispering into her ear "You think I'll screw anyone who has a few money on them to offer don't you? You're looking at me as though I'm a messed up."

She turn the brunette around harshly to see tears streaming down her face.

The makeup Mina wore was smeared and she look so pitiful.

However Mina wasn't crying because she was scared, she was crying because she thought it was such a waste for someone so beautiful like Chaeyoung to throw herself away like that... "What are your reasons then?" she ask

Chaeyoung grip loosen on her, she feels a bit guilty laying a hand on Mina "I don't have an obligation to tell my life's story to you instead of trying to investigate my life,why don't you go bother Minseok. Ask him what his reasons  are I bet you he's just into your money." she let Mina go, grabbing her coat before leaving out the door.

Mina became quiet, wiping her tears. "Minseok is kind... He's not in for my money." she whispers to herself

Next Day

"Good work everybody" Mina compliments her co workers before leaving her company building.

That day everyone complimented and admire her on her new look. She knew they weren't making fun of her, she was happy.

As she walk home, she worries about the blonde. Had Chaeyoung come back? After last night she hadn't heard a word from her.

Chaeyoung stuff was still at her place but Mina wonders if she was still angry with her.

Perhaps when she return home all of Chaeyoung's stuff would be gone and they'll never meet again. Their contract would be over and she would have to fight her love battle alone.

Reaching her condo Mina open the door to find that everything was left the same, Chaeyoung hadn't returned...

"Ah Chaeyoung!" She sees the blonde dragging herself out of the bathroom, limping.

"What happened to you? You look like a mess" she notice the cuts and bruises all over Chaeyoung. The blood on her clothing was obvious and it was clear that someone had attacked her.

Chaeyoung huffs seeing Mina, apparently she was hoping to get in and sneak out without the brunette noticing. "Thank goodness you're not someone worth impressing, otherwise I'd have to worry about looking uncool" she collapse on the couch.

Too worried to care Mina rush to find the first aid kit.

"What happened?" she ask

"Some idiot with a bunch of punks jumped me when he found out I slept with his woman." Chaeyoung spats

Seeing Chaeyoung so disheveled made Mina at least respect het a little for what she does.

Prostituting was easy money but at the same time very hard to the person doing it.

With a wet cloth Mina wipe away Chaeyoung's blood, it was awkward being so physically close after their fight. In the blonde's condition, she couldn't leave her alone due to their differences.

"I admire you" she finally speaks

Chaeyoung looks at Mina confused by what she meant

"I mean... not saying I think prostituting is anything to be proud of but because of the things you go through because of it. Only someone brave enough would be able to do it." Mina quickly adds, avoiding looking Chaeyoung in the eye, her attention only focused on the cuts, she applies ointment to each one, blowing on the blonde's wounds to ease the pain, she than places band aid on her brow.

Chaeyoung was little surprised by what Mina said and the brunette being so close and gentle with her wasn't helping her relax either.

She grab Mina's wrist, stopping her, it was the first time someone said something positive about what she did for a living.

Mina is puzzled when Chaeyoung close in on her, her heart begins to pump abnormally when she sees the blonde's eyes close and her lips pucker a little.

Is she?... Mina pulls away from Chaeyoung's grasp. "I...I'll let you tend the rest of your wounds." she walks away the image of Minseok appears in the back of her mind,

Was Chaeyoung trying to kissed her?

She fears thinking about it in her mind, she tries telling herself it was just a misunderstanding.

Chaeyoung would never kiss a person like her unless she offers her money.

Right she was just over thinking the situation Mina laugh to herself, feeling like an idiot for thinking Chaeyoung was going to kiss her. She wasn't going to make the mistake of being overconfident and assume that the blonde was going to plant a kiss on her.

Chaeyoung on the other hand was beating herself up over what she was about to do. "Damn why did I do that? I really am getting lonely" she sighs, feeling gross about her action.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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