Their talk was interrupted.

Arsalan rushed to his house. He saw a black burnt cloth near the entrance. His eyes noticed Ayath, who was sitting on the cot beside his mother's cot. She looked so delicate.

"Ayath, Aunty Jahan, did you see someone? when the fire started." He was hesitant to ask about the girl.

"No Arsalan, we did notice it was so chaotic" Jahan ara replied. Arsalan was feeling disheartened.

"Where is Dilara?"

"She is resting next door."

"I will check on her. I did not get to see her. The doctor said not to worry about mom". He replied and walked to Dilara's room.

Dilara, who was asleep, woke up and saw Arsalan.

"I am sorry, Dil, I am not a good brother. I could not protect you in my own house"

"DilAra gestured him to come and held his hand to assure him"

"You know, Dil, the girl came again to help us. I am sure she must be from our tribe."

Dilara was smiling. Arsalan saw"Did you see her Dilara?" Arsalan asked with hope,

Dilara nodded. "Tell me who is it ?" He asked with happiness.

Dilara pointed towards Ayath, who was visible from the window.

Arsalan saw Ayath. "Don't worry about her, I won't do injustice to Ayath. Just tell me who the girl is."

At that moment, Dilara felt like kicking Arsalan. She again pointed towards Ayath with an angry face.

"I know Dilara, you like Ayath, but she is very delicate. Our people need a strong female leader. At least I will be at peace knowing that our women are in safe hands."

Dilara smacked her head with her injured arm in anger and then cried because of the pain.

"Calm down Dil, I will not replace Ayath. She will always be respected by me. No one will take her position."

Stupid Arsalan, he is always so clever. Why can't he understand? He has always undermined Ayath. Let him suffer.

Dilara thought she was blown away by Ayath's courage. She thought not to disclose Ayat's secret. Fool Arsalan has to find the truth for himself. She wanted to see his face when he realises that delicate-looking Ayath is so fierce.

Imaan woke up ."Mother, how are you?"

Imaan looked around. "I am sorry Ayath, I panicked. I am not good at handling fire. Is everyone safe?"

"Mother, everyone is safe. Dilara is wounded but she will be fine " Ayath replied.

"Thank you so much Ayath. You are really the warrior queen's daughter". Jahan ara, who was quiet, replied.

"Didn't I say Jahan Ayath is a perfect girl? " Imaan was looking at her with pride. She already knew about Ayat's skills. Her foolish son was unaware of all this.

"Come, Ayatah, take me to Dil ", Imaan requested.

"Sister, please rest. You just woke up", Jahan asked Imaan.

"No, I am fine and why are you here? You should be with your daughter"

"Arsalan is with her" Ayatah replied.

They all walked to the room where Dil was resting. Arsalan rushed to his mother and hugged her.

"Ummi, you should have a rest. Dilara is fine"

"By now you must have known how good my daughter Ayath" Imaan replied with a stern voice. She did not forget his previous argument. Imaan thought Arsalan would have known how Ayath defended them single-handedly.

"I am really thankful to her for looking after you and being brave."

It would have been another worry if she had fainted, he mumbled to himself. He had heard about Seher fainting and seeing blood and assumed Ayath was the same. I wish queen Nur Jahan taught her daughters to be like her.

Dilara was pointing out something which they all did not understand.

"Let me get a pen and paper, you can write it down, sister Dil" Ayath replied.

"Only if she knew how to write" Jahan ara mocked her daughter.

"I used to tell her to read and write but this lazy girl never took my words seriously" Jahan was scolding her daughter.


The Abandoned prince and His warrior princessWhere stories live. Discover now