Chapter 3: Jerko Malfoy

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Saturday morning after my first week, I woke up starving. I rolled out of bed and sulkily pulled on a t-shirt and jeans. I knew I didn't need my robe on weekends. That was okay, but the idea of the weekend wasn't.

I was dreading an entire two days of loneliness without classes to keep me busy. Luna was all I had. I tried to push that to the back of my mind and focus on getting some food. My stomach was screaming at me. It was growling so loud that I was glad everyone else in my dormitory had already gone down to breakfast.

I hurried down to the Great Hall and scanned the Ravenclaw table for Luna. There wasn't much to scan, considering it was 11:00. There weren't many people at all in the entire room.

Ergh! Why do I have to sleep in so late! She must have already eaten.

I sat down at the Hufflepuff table. At least there wasn't anyone else there so I wasn't being stared at or feeling bad because I was the only one without anyone to talk to.

The Ravenclaw table was fun. I had Luna to hang out with, and people stared but I just laughed at them like I usually do. At the Hufflepuff table, when people stared I felt bad. I guess it was being alone. I was angry at them all for ignoring me. Weren't Hufflepuffs supposed to be friendly?

They are friendly. Just not to me, of course.

I was sitting there feeling sorry for myself when he walked in. Harry walked in and plopped down at the Gryffindor table. The frizzy - haired girl and the lost red - head I'd seen on the train were with him. They looked like they'd become friends on the train. Why didn't I sit with him again? That could have been me.....

Oh. Oops, I think I was staring. Harry turned and saw me. I tried to cover it up with a smile and he waved. As soon as he turned away, I scarfed down the rest of my pancakes, wiped my face, and started to go over to him.

In one of my only moments of happiness that week, walking over to talk to Harry, Draco Malfoy had to come in and ruin it all.

Draco waltzed into the Great Hall right as I walked in front of the entrance. He grinned evilly at me.

"Oh, hello! You're the mudblood with the Dragon Mage brother!" He cackled, "I heard about your fail in Potions from Professor Snape! Ha! Hilarious! He's telling everyone."

My face turned hot. "Shut up, Malfoy. I don't understand what I ever did to you."

"Your mere existence irritates me. You're not even British! I can tell by the looks of you that you aren't a pure blood, and by the looks of those clothes you must be poor as dirt! A hobo!"

"I'M NOT A HOBO! WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST MY FAMILY ANYWAY?" I yelled at him, hot tears streaming out my eyes.

Harry looked over at us, tapped his friends, and pointed. Oh no, they think I'm a cry baby now. I started to run for the door, but I looked back, and Harry and his friends were coming toward Draco and I.

Frizzy Hair walked right up to Draco and punched him in the lip.

"Oh, what was that for?!" Draco yelled at her.

"You're a jerk to everyone for no reason, that's what!" She yelled.

Red Head was right behind her and nodded indignantly. Then they caught up with Harry who was approaching me. He gave me a sympathetic look and we all went into the hallway.

"Th-that was the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me!" I said gratefully.

"Hey, Draco deserved that." Harry said.

I tried to smile, through the tears and sniffles that wouldn't let up.

"We heard everything. That kid is a jerk. He bugs us because Harry wouldn't be his friend at the beginning of the year. He could see right through him." Red Head said.

Harry laughed, "Jerko Malfoy!" We all cracked up.

"He calls me a mudblood too. That's why he bugs me." said Frizzy Hair.

"Um, I'm not trying to be rude, but who are you guys? I met Harry on the train but not you two." I gestured to Frizzy Hair and Red Head.

"Oh! Sorry, guys! This is Lauren Skyes." Harry told his friends.

"Hi! I'm Ron Weasely," said Red Head.

Frizzy Hair smiled. "I'm Hermione Granger."

"Nice to meet you!" I replied.

"Draco was being really mean. Are you okay?" Harry asked me.

I took a deep breath and dried my tears. "Yeah, I think so."

"Good! Well, nice talking to you! We'd better go." Harry said.

"See ya some other time!" Ron said.

"Yes, nice to meet you." said Hermione.

"Bye!" I said, hiding my disappointment. I wanted so badly to spend my weekend with them.

Instead we went our separate ways. I sighed and decided to look for Luna. I had to tell her about Harry, Ron, and Hermione standing up for me.

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