Chapter 1: A Friend and A House

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"Hannah Peppington,"


"Harrietta Perry,"


Each student walked up to the stool and put on the sorting hat as their name was called. After a few seconds, the group they would be put in was called out. They called the groups "houses," but I don't really get why. There was a long line of first years strung across the front of the great hall waiting to be sorted. After a while, the sorting got really boring so I zoned out.

"Harry Potter,"

THAT got my attention...



After that, it went back to being boring. But not for long.

After a few minutes, a high pitched, misty sounding voice coming from behind me said, "Are you nervous?"

I turned around and the girl who'd spoken was pale with white-blonde hair.

"A little. I'm mostly bored right now." I told her, then turned back around.

"It must be nice to be bored sometimes. The Nargils keep me busy all the time, pestering and teasing me. I never have a spare moment to be bored, they make sure of it." The girl sighed.

That confused me. "What's a Nargil?" I asked.

She laughed. "Oh, you're funny. The Nargils may tease me now, but I'll catch them in the act one day."

She was the weirdest person I'd ever met. I loved her. With her airy, dream-like voice, she was crazy. She never answered my question though. I never found out what a Nargil is.

"I'm Lauren, nice to meet you."

"Luna Lovegood. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

We talked for a long time (quietly though, so we wouldn't disturb) while we waited. They called Luna before me. I was sad when she had to leave, but I knew I'd see her again soon.

"Luna Lovegood,"


"Larry Malick,"


There were a few more people, then me.

"Lauren Skyes,"

I walked to the stool and put the hat on. I was surprised to hear it say, "Which house do you WANT."

"I want to be with Harry in Gryffindor, or Luna in Racenclaw." I thought.

"Well, I can't put you in Slytherin because you're too nice. You're REALLY NICE. You're very positive as well. Then it has to be HUFFLEPUFF!!"

Well it made its decision. I can still make it work with Harry. He's perfect, I'll find a way. And Luna's too awesome not to be friends with.

I got up as the Hufflepuff table whooped and cheered, and everyone else politely clapped. Same as everyone else. But as I walked toward my new table, I looked over at Harry. He cheered along with the Hufflepuffs and smiled at me. He waved too. I melted inside.

But I wasn't paying attention and walked into a boy sitting at the Slytherin table. He had slicked back, blonde hair and a bad attitude.

I knew because he scowled at me and said, "Watch it! You're looking so happy but everyone knows that Hufflepuffs are just a bunch of duds! I bet you aren't even a pure blood! Are you the only magic one in your family? Mudblood!"

A few people at the Hufflepuff table who had overheard went,"Oooooooh," so I knew whatever he had just called me was rude.

"ExCUSE me?! I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW, MY BROTHER IS A DRAGON MAGE." I left it at that and sat down at my table.

"What's a dragon Mage?" A few people asked me.

"A dragon sorceror. It's different from wizards. A lot different." I told them.

They didn't ask me much more about it, but I knew I hadn't laid a very good first impression on the Hufflepuff house.

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