Chapter 2: Week 1

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Honestly, my first week at Hogwarts sucked.

First of all, I had no friends. After I freaked out when that Slytherin offended me, people thought I had anger management problems. I really don't! That stupid brat provoked me! He can mess with me all he wants, but when he brings my family into it, things are going to get ugly.

Anyway, the Hufflepuffs avoided me all week. No one talked to me. It was ok though, they were a little busy with their own friends...

I wandered the halls alone trying to find my classes. I was so lonely that I felt sick. Every night, I cried myself to sleep; burying my face in my pillow to muffle the sounds.

That wasn't even the worst part! I liked most of the professors, but they gave us a ton of homework. I had to skip lunch three times to work on last minute assignments in the library!

The only teacher I didn't like was Professor Snape for Potions class. From the moment I walked in the door to the dungeon, where class was held, he terrified me. He has this abnormally large and pointy nose, a long, black swishy robe, and longish black hair.

I was the last person to get in the classroom, so the giant door slammed closed behind me, echoing around the stone walls. I jumped when that happened.

Snape stared at me with his cold, dark eyes and said, "Well? Do you need a personal escort? Sit. Now."

His eyes followed me all the way to the only empty seat in the class: middle row, very center seat. Great.

We had to mix this really hard potion and I had no idea what I was doing. Everyone else seemed to know what they were doing, but I was completely lost and mine turned out all wrong. I prayed Snape wouldn't see mine but I knew I was completely out of luck.

He swooped over to me with an evil grin on his face. "Hmm. Skyes, is it? Yes, you have no talent or skill in potion brewing I see."

I felt my face turn red and hot. I couldn't believe he just said that! I swallowed my anger, not wanting to give the Hufflepuffs another show of anger.

"Well, it's my first potion ever, so I guess I'm not-"

"First times aren't an excuse. This is one of the simplest potions there is. I believe you're probably just stupid."

That's when I felt the tears come. Not angry tears, hurt tears. I wasn't stupid, I knew I wasn't. But having a teacher tell you that you're dumb is one of the most hurtful things you can hear.

"Are you going to cry? Is the stupid American mudblood going to cry?" Snape smiled and began to laugh.

I couldn't stand it. I was crying in class and the teacher was laughing at me. Everyone was staring at me. I grabbed my things and ran out, still crying.

As I was making my way to the door, Snape called out, "Ten points from Hufflepuff for Lauren Skyes leaving class unexcused."

I didn't care. I kept going. They would have to understand my situation. If they didn't, I didn't even care anymore.

That night at dinner, I snuck over to the Ravenclaw table and ate with Luna. I had been so upset about Potions class and overcome with loneliness that I had skipped classes that afternoon. Instead, I had laid in bed and cried until it was time for dinner. I was still a bit sniffly and I needed a friend.

Luna gave me a hug. "Lauren, you aren't alone. I'm your friend. And if it makes you feel better most people think I'm strange as well."

"Thanks, Luna. But I'm fine if they think I'm strange, because I am. But I DON'T have anger management problems, and they think I do." I replied sulkily.

Luna patted my shoulder sympathetically. "It isn't fair how Draco set you up like that. He's a real jerk sometimes. I don't get how we're related."

"WAIT, WHAT?! First, who's Draco? Second, RELATED?!"

"Draco Malfoy is the kid who teased you on our first day. He's pale and has white - blonde hair like me. He looks like he could be my brother, so I think we're long lost twins."

I smiled. "Thanks, Luna. You really cheered me up."

She gave me a hug. "Any time. Since the Hufflepuffs don't really like you, you can have dinner with me whenever you want. I'll always have a place at our table for my best friend."

I had dinner with Luna for the rest of the week. The hours of dinner I spent with her each night really made me feel better after the long days of loneliness, homework, and misjudgment.

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