Soviet's Children (Prologue)

Start from the beginning

The 11 siblings said nothing more, they didn't want their other siblings to get hurt so they stayed quiet the rest of the day.

They told the organizations if they wanted to contact them, they had to do it themselves. And so the organizations did just that, they called a lot of numbers before they decided to call Soviets house phone to see if it would work. And It was picked up. They had to be there.

"I swear to god if you're a telemarketer."

"Are you one of Soviets kids?"

"... Кто это такой (Who the hell is this)."

"Oops, apologies for not inducing myself, My name is EU."

"Like— like the organization EU?"

"Yes, you are correct. Now what's your name?"

". . ."

"Sir? Are you there?"

". . ."

"Well then, if you wouldn't mind, I would like for you and any other siblings you have, to come out of hiding and introduce yourselves at the great building."

"And If you don't come, you will be forced out."

(Fact of my story: Everyone calls it the 'Great Building' since it's been there for centuries and never has fallen once. Even after all of the fights, fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc. And no, this building has nothing to do with irl stuff.)

"We'll see."

Russia hung up without bothering to hear anything else EU had to say. He had to discuss this with his siblings pronto.

"Everyone please get to the kitchen, now!" Russia wasn't the type to yell in the house. Therefore his siblings instantly knew this was something serious.

They hurriedly came downstairs and into the kitchen where they hold most 'family meetings.'

"Yes? Is everything okay, Россия (Russia)?" Belarus was very concerned and so was Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

"We may have a problem..." Russia said before explaining to them about the call he just had. Afterward, they looked horrified and a bit angry.

However, a bit angry might be an understatement of the century for Belarus.

"WHAT?! What did we do to give it away?" Belarus seethed. They were doing so well about hiding this huge secret of theirs, how did the organizations know?

Russia narrowed his eyes, "Calm down Беларусь (Belarus), don't yell so loud, you know this house echoes and you also know how Украина (Ukraine) feels about that," He warned her calmly.

The Russian family doesn't yell that often, it reminds them of past nights that were filled with screaming, fighting, and sounds of glass shattering.

"Sorry Raine, I'm just a little shocked," Belarus grumbled and attempted to keep her cool as best as she could.

Ukraine grinned at the little nickname Belarus used and said, "It's fine, I know you didn't mean to yell so loudly."

"Well, do we go to the meeting?" Kazakhstan asked, making all of them wonder, and since they didn't know.. they turned to their eldest sibling, Russia.

Russia bit his lip in thought. if they did go, could end horribly like countries walking up to them with not-so-good intentions. If they didn't go, the organizations would forcefully come and get them.

He sighs defeatedly, "Mhm, it's best if we go. We don't want to be in more trouble than we already are." The siblings nodded and agreed, it was the best and technically the only 'good' option they had.

It was best not to anger the organizations.

"Then it's set, we will all go to the meeting tomorrow and Introduce ourselves." Once Kazakhstan said that, they all went to their rooms, they had to make sure they had everything they needed for the meeting tomorrow.

Such things as pepper spray, for protection reasons only.


A few minutes later, Belarus and Kazakhstan decided to go shopping since they didn't have new clothes, unlike Russia and Ukraine who went shopping last week.

Belarus got some new dresses and a few sweaters while Kazakhstan got all comfy clothes and nothing formal, Kazakhstan never had anything formal.

The Russians picked out or imagined what they would wear for the next day.

All siblings hoped for the best. The worst that could happen was making enemies, but that wouldn't happen. Or, at least it shouldn't..

Little did they know the future would be one confusing ride, mostly for the eldest sibling, but all of them would be affected either way.

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