Chapter 10

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Part Three: True Love's Kiss

Chapter 10

"Emma?" Regina whispered, confusion clearly written on her face. Emma froze for a second, her eyes fixed on Regina, her eyes staring back at her for the first time ever. When Regina moved to sit up after a few moments, Emma panicked and ran out of the room, tripping over her chair on the way out. She stopped right outside the door, slamming her back into the wall, as she slowly slid down until she was sitting on the cold floor.

Regina was awake. She kissed her, and now Regina was awake. The woman Emma had been dreaming about since she was sixteen years old was finally awake, and Emma couldn't grasp why. All she could think about was Regina's voice. The same voice she heard in her dreams every time Regina spoke to her, whether she was screaming at her and calling her an idiot, or a soft whisper of the hope speech she gave Emma shortly before she sacrificed herself. Emma closed her eyes, trying to calm her pounding heart, and all she could see behind her closed eyelids was Regina's eyes. They were the same brown eyes that had been looking back at her every night for the last twelve years. The very same eyes that spoke more than her words ever could. The most beautiful brown eyes Emma had ever seen. She tried to calm her racing heart but nothing was working. She was convinced she was going to die of a heart attack right then and there.

A loud THUD in the room behind her pulled her out of her own thoughts.

She quickly jumped off the floor and rushed back into the room to see what happened, and found Regina sitting on the floor beside the previously occupied glass coffin. Her head was hanging low, her long brown hair covering her face as she struggled to stand up.

"Hey, are you alright?" Emma asked, as she rushed over to Regina.

"Yeah..." Regina said, brushing her hair out of her face. "I guess I've been asleep for too long. My legs don't seem to want to work just yet. I think I'm going to need a minute." Regina said, her face showing embarrassment.

"It's ok. Take your time." Emma said, staring into the familiar brown eyes. "I'm sorry I ran away. I kinda freaked out when you suddenly woke up. I didn't expect that..." Emma said, trailing off as her gaze moved to the floor, feeling just as embarrassed as Regina had been.

"It's ok." Regina smiled, shifting her legs into a more comfortable position under her.

"Ummm...can I ask you something?" Emma asked, taking a moment to find her words. "Why did you suddenly wake up? Not that I'm not extremely happy you did, I just don't understand why."

"You kissed me." Regina said, a shy smile forming on her face.

"Yeah..." Emma said, her face instantly turning red. "I hope you're not mad..."

"Of course I'm not mad." Regina said, her eyes twinkling as she smiled. "Do you know how to wake someone who is under a sleeping curse?" Regina asked.

"True Love's Kiss..." Emma said, her eyes opening wide when she finally understood. "I...I woke you with True Love's Kiss?" Emma asked, her voice cracking.

"Yes." Regina said, her eyes locking with Emma's.

"So that means that..." Emma started to say.

"I Love You, Emma." Regina whispered.

"But how? You've never met me before. How can you Love someone you've never met?" Emma asked.

"We've never met in this life, but this isn't the first time we've met." Regina said, her voice soft.

"What do you mean, this life ?" Emma asked, her mind trying to grasp this information.

"In another life, in another world, we met and lived in a small town called..." Regina started to explain.

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