Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Emma's dreams continued the same way for the next two years, each night dreaming of the same woman, standing under the same clocktower, time frozen at eight-fifteen. Every night she tried to find out more information about the woman, and every night she was given the same answer. "All I can tell you is what you already know." The woman repeated. Each morning Emma woke with a smile, the feeling of the woman's hand on her chest still lingering. Emma continued to visit the woman when she could, stealing a few moments here and there to gaze at the woman peacefully sleeping in the glass coffin. When she turned eighteen, she was given more responsibilities that took her away from the mysterious woman, and Emma found herself missing the sight of her.

Everything changed drastically one night a few months after her eighteenth birthday.

"Please don't take me back there." A small voice said behind her, as she pushed open the gate, the hinges squeaking slightly as it swung open.

"I have to." Emma said, as she walked quickly up the front walk, the young boy following behind her. "I'm sure your parents are worried sick about you.

"I don't have parents..." the boy whined, catching up with her. "Just a mom, and she's evil."

"Evil? That's a bit extreme, isn't it?" Emma asked, looking down at the boy in front of her.

"She is. She doesn't love me, she only pretends to." The boy said, his voice sad, as he looked down at the ground. Emma's heart broke suddenly, knowing exactly how it felt to think you were unloved. She wanted to hug the boy at that moment, but held back.

"Kid, I'm sure that's not true." Emma said, bending over to look at the boy face to face.

Suddenly, the front door flung open, and a woman rushed out towards them.

"Henry?" The woman yelled, running towards the young boy on the front walk. "Henry!" She said again, pulling Henry into her arms.

Emma froze when she saw the woman in front of her, clutching her son tightly. She was the most beautiful woman Emma had ever seen, and her heart pounded in her chest as she watched the mother and son reunion.

"Are you ok? Where have you been?" She asked, her voice laced with concern. "What happened?" She asked, finally looking over at Emma, who's lungs forgot how to breathe the brief moment the woman looked over at her.

"I FOUND MY REAL MOM!" Henry yelled, rushing past his mother, running into the house. The woman looked hurt as she took her time looking over at Emma.

Emma could see the hurt in the woman's eyes when she finally made eye contact for the first time.

"You're...You're Henry's birth mother?" She asked, her voice caught in her throat slightly.

"Hi." Emma said, smiling awkwardly.

"I'll just go check on the lad, make sure he's alright." Emma heard a voice say in the background. Her eyes never left the woman standing in front of her. She could almost feel how hurt she was by this new information, as she tried hard not to show the emotions on her face. She was silent for a few moments, Emma could tell she was trying to compose herself before speaking again.

"How would you like a glass of the best apple cider you ever tasted?" She asked after a few moments, a smile on her face for the first time. Emma's heart nearly stopped when she saw the woman smile.

"Got anything stronger?" She asked, as she followed the woman into the large house.


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