Chap 3. Survival

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I awoke from my sleep. I had dreamed of a normal world. A normal world with no huge hairy rats pacing around the city, waiting, anticipating their next meal. Bryan was still asleep, to my surprise. I grogily forced my legs to move off of the messily put together white sheets. The bed was just barely big enough to fit my height. The wooden bed legs were old and carved into a downward curve. I gazed over at Bryan, who's body looked still as a statue. His breathing was even with his heartbeat. I took one last look at the room, never knowing when it'd be my last. I walked to the window and checked on the situation in-front of me. I could hear faint whispers behind me. I whipped my head around to find Bryan sleep talking again. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the scruffy white window. I heard shuffling behind me, 'Must be Bryan, he's awake.' I thought. I focused my sight on the window, the city was quiet. I couldn't see a rat in sight. 'That's odd..' I turned around to see if Bryan was up at all. Then I saw it. A huge, dirty street rat. Staring down at me. It's fur was a rustic grey, almost a tan-ish. It's snout was long and mangled with dirty, black blood driping from it's mouth. It didn't make a move yet, I was stunned, shocked and confused. 'Why hasn't the filthy thing made a move yet? Shouldn't I be dead right now?' The rat looked at me with it's wide, buldging eyes. Dark blood rippling down from beneath them. I was terrified out of my mind. I blinked at the rat, wishing it would disappear the moment I opened them again. The rat was still there when I opened my eyes. I decided to bolt for the door and run, but was that really the best plan? Leaving Bryan behind? I had already packed a bag for if something like this were to happen. Although, I could not stop thinking about Bryan. Am I really about to leave my only friend behind? I guess I have no choice. I took the backpack, grabbed a few extra things like Medicine, Knives, Food and headed for the door. This is the fastest i've ever had to use my brain and legs. After a while, the rat chased after me, I couldn't see Bryan there at all. 'Did the rat kill Bryan?!' I thought as I ran as fast as I could. Soon enough my legs gave out and I fell face first into the broken up road. I could see the large filthy rat chatching up to me. It looked me in the eyes with it's thick, dark blood driping from every wound on its body. I could see more detail than ever as I gave up and gave in. I realized that I didn't want to be the only person on earth. I didn't want to watch all my friends and partners die in the hands of a rodent, but I had to. I had to watch each and every one of them fall upon the filthy things. Was it finally my turn? Was I going to give in? I had no choice, as a sweat dripped from my face. I shut my eyes tight and prepared for the imense pain I was about to experience. A couple minutes went by and I didn't feel anthing. I can feel someone shaking me. I hear someone's voice. I hear my name. Is this heaven? Where am I? I can't bring myself to speak or even open my eyelids. What is happening? I wake in a cold sweat.

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