Mpreg (Fluff, Drama)

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Suggested? Yes! Thank you Anon from Ao3 for suggesting this!

⚠Warnings:⚠ This is complete fiction! Mpreg, cursing, Trans! Mark, having a baby at home (I know little to nothing about child birth so please forgive me if I get a lot of things wrong)

When Mark told Tyler he was comfortable with having a baby, oh how he didn't know the physical pain it would bring.

Mark was due in 2 weeks. Anticipating their baby boy's arrival, Tyler set up the crib in his and Mark's shared bedroom. Decorating the off- colored white poles with stickers of Spongebob, baby shark, and Peppa Pig. He painted the wall with the crib a beautiful baby blue. Perfect for their upcoming beautiful baby boy.

"Do you think this will be good for the baby? " Tyler asked Mark that was sitting on the bed.

"Yes, it's perfect. " Mark added, getting up Off the bed, going behind Tyler and putting his arms around his beautiful Husband.

"Honey, you shouldn't be up. You need to rest since you're due soon! " Concerned, Tyler reached for Mark's hands that were lying on his stomach.

"I'll be fine babe! You worry too much. " Mark teased.
"I have too, I'm always worried! I love you too much!! " Tyler whined.

"Alright you doofus, get ready for bed. I don't wanna hear you be a sap anymore! " Mark joked, slightly nudging Tyler to the closet. Tyler whined in response to his husband's actions.

After an hour, the two lovebirds laid in bed. Mark needing some extra help.

"Don't push yourself. " Tyler instructed.

"Well somebody has to! " Mark snapped at Tyler making him back away until he went up to guide Mark and help him up onto the bed.

"There you go handsome. All nice and tucked in. I love you so much!" Tyler whispered into Mark's ear in a sweet and lovingly manner.

"I love you too, princess. " Mark's eyes followed Tyler until he got into the bed with him, pulling the covers up and scooting closer to the pregnant man.

"Mm.. You're too cold. " Mark slid away from Tyler, getting goosebumps from the cold skin-skin contact.

Tyler's body was like a freezer. Always cold, terrible on long and freezing winter and fall nights. Especially winter.

Tyler's body was like a cooler. Always cold, incredible at cooling down mark on the hot, miserable summer and spring nights. Especially summer.

"Mark nooooo... You're warm and I'm cold! "

"Too bad, you're way too cold, Tyler. If you're about to get hypothermia then fine, but put some clothes on! "

"You're too kind. " Tyler rolled his eyes and started to get out of bed. He looked through his drawer and pulled out plaid pajama pants with a tank top. He then walked up to their shared bed to lay down again.

As Tyler's butt touched the bed, he heard a giggle coming from his husband. "What's so funny, huh? "

"H-ha, I d-dont know but you made me piss myself! H-ha!" Mark laughed, getting up from the bed and suddenly there was pain in his stomach. Where the baby was.

Mark grunted and held onto his round belly, groaning in pain.
"T-Tyler!? " Mark whimpered.
"Y-yes? Is something wrong? Are you alright?! "
"I think my water broke! Ow, ow, ow!" Mark cried in pain. It felt like he was about to go into labor. Feeling so much pain he slowly started to get back on to the bed. Failed. He cried, tears flowing down his face while crying in pain and going to lay down into the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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